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Bike trails down the Mediterranean coast?

I'm starting to plan a multi-city trip along the Mediterranean coast, from Barcelona south to Morocco. I understand Spain has good high speed rail to get from city to city, but I would love to do at least one part of my itinerary by (rented) bike, if that's possible. I'm wondering how viable that idea is.

I found the "EuroVelo - European cycle route network" website for the EV8 Mediterranean Route: and it sounds nice but doesn't give a lot of info about the trail itself.

Does anyone have experience cycling any part of this route?
Are one-way bike rentals available for tourists?
Any segments you'd recommend or avoid?

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1932 posts

I've cycle toured many thousands of kilometers in Europe, but never along the Mediterranean. So no specific help. But a few things that might be useful:

1) EuroVelos are not paths but rather routes. They generally take the best routing for cyclist, but are not always traffic free nor highly safe. But generally a better choice to follow a EuroVelo (or a national or regional bike route, than to make up your own.

2) the app/website Komoot can show you many establish routes that other cyclists have done. This does not mean that there is not traffic or other dangers, but the popular ones are usually reasonably safe. You can also plot your own routes on Komoot. But you do need to double check everything it plots because sometimes it'll put you on a dangerous highway etc.

3) Do a web search for bicycle tours in the areas where you want to ride. You can usually figure out which routes tour companies use. These are usually good routes - the tour company is comfortable sending clients riding along them. There are also often bicycle rentals in the areas where commercial bike tours depart and arrive. Sometimes you can even contact a tour company just to rent a bike.

Have fun!

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2 posts

Thanks for the reply, I completely misunderstood the EuroVelo thing and thought their "routes" meant a particular trail as the website was talking about how some routes were move developed than others, with signage and certification for bikes. I understand now that part of the "route" could very well include stretches riding on the shoulder of a freeway. I'll look into that in more detail. (Honestly, I just want to do this for fun on a Holiday and I'm not so interested in cycling this route if it will be dangerous or not scenic!)

I'll check some other sites and try to connect with cyclists who know this area. I had looked at some of the bike tour websites but they all look pretty shady. More optimized for search engines than humans 😭 But I'll reach out to some of them and see what they say.

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1932 posts

Try It's a website that consolidates many legitimate tour operators. You'll be able to see routes and whatnot.

I don't want to undersell you on the Eurovelo and other regional cycle route networks. They won't put you on a freeway. It's just that they are not all, or even mostly, separated bicycle paths. They're signed routes that use roads as good as they can be for cyclists trying to travel to certain places. They are about as safe a choice as you can make, but not strictly bike trails.