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Best time to visit the Alhambra

Four of us plan to visit the Alhambra for a day sometime in May or early June, 2019. 1) How much time do you recommend to leisurely follow RS' Self-Guided Tour of the complex? I don't believe he recommends how much time to spend there.

He states, "But for most travelers, an afternoon is ample time to see the site--not only is the light perfect later in the day, there are fewer tour groups". With an Alhambra General ticket, the Alahambra complex is open daily until 20:00. Unless RS' readers recommend otherwise, I doubt we will want the Alhambra Experiences ticket. 2) Knowing the sun sets in May/early June, 2019,
about 21:00-21:30, will the light still good earlier towards 20:00 when the complex closes, or should we not worry about timing our visit for the "perfect light" in the early evening, i.e., will the light be "good" earlier about 19:00-20:00?

Larry In Poulsbo

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27 posts

We were just there for the 8:30 entrance. If you arrive early to get in line you can literally have the place to yourself for a period of time. Since we tend to linger and take our time we eventually get overtaken. But those initial moments are always worth it.

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465 posts

Another vote for being there when they open. For me being there early without the crowds far outweighed any other considerations. By 1030 there were plenty of other visitors .I was there mid week in February 2015.

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Another vote for first entrance. We shared the Alhambra with perhaps 20 other people. We were just there in mid-May 2018.

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570 posts

Two years ago we visited the Alhambra during the first week of June.
We traveled from Logroño to Granada and got to the Alhambra for our 19:00 entrance. Although we only had the hour, we were able to see all the parts we wanted, and as there weren´t many people lingering around our movements were quite fluid. And unlike this year, there were a heat wave. The day we arrived it was 40º C (103F) but in the evening it was cooling off. As for light, we were able to get some nice fotos of the sunset after we get out.
The heatwave ended and though hot we enjoyed the rest of our stay. With the autovia it is very easy to get to the coast. On Friday we went the beach at Salobreña and it was practically empty though v hot. Most people were still in school or working. We went back on Saturday and it was packed.

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36 posts

We visited the Alhambra on May 30th and had an 18:30 entrance. We had ample time to experience the Alhambra with little crowding. We visited the Royal Alcazar in Seville at the opening which was also good. It seems that early and late entrances to both these places are best.