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Base in Andalusia

Hello! My husband, toddler son, and I are planning to travel to Southern Spain with a group of friends next May. Before baby, we would hop from one place to another, but we learned from our last trip that it is easier to stay put and do day trips.

I think we would be best off in a city (or sizable town) with access to services, restaurants, etc. So far, Cordoba seems like it could be the best fit? But happy to hear suggestions from people who know the region. Mainly interested in Moorish history/architecture, food scene, and generally taking it easy. Also would not be mad to be near to the beach, but it’s not a requirement.

Thank you!


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2684 posts

If you're really interested in Moorish history and architecture then in Sevilla and Granada there are dedicated programs at the universities about 'Andalucismo' and the major scholars on the north side of the strait are working and studying there.

Start with this book by Charles Hirschkind

The Feeling of History
Islam, Romanticism, and Andalusia

Read this summary in the Britannica about Samuel ha-Nagid in Granada and its reference links:

Another helpful Granada item:

Another Hirschkind article more specifically about Granada:

capsule history of Granada Taifa:

Hope this helps!

Note that I think you can have a great trip while basing yourselves in any of these cities.

This is another one that I want to read myself when I get a chance:

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15760 posts

Cordoba and Granada are the two main cities for Moorish history and architecture. Most of Sevilla (to the best of my knowledge) in post-Moorish. That's not to say Sevilla is a wonderful place to spend time, with lots of history and beautiful architecture. The logistics are your difficulty to overcome. The train station in Cordoba is a 20-30 minute walk from the historic center (depending on where you stay, of course). In Sevilla it's somewhat farther. There are fast (~45 minutes) trains between Sevilla and Cordoba. The fast trains to Granada take 1-1/2 hours or more from Cordoba, another 45 minutes or more from Sevilla. They are infrequent. It's about a 20 minute walk from the station to the Granada cathedral/historic center. There are more frequent buses, but I believe they take even longer and the bus station in Granada is twice as far from the center.

You can see train schedules on and bus schedules on

The closest beach is probably Cadiz, close to a 2-hour train ride from Sevilla.

I would reconsider your plan. May will be hot to very hot. It seems to me that really long days with a toddler and no possibility to go back to your room for a rest would be more difficult. At worst, I'd split between nights between Granada one of the other 2 cities. I'd choose Cordoba because of your interest in things Moorish. If your trip is long enough, stay in all 3 cities. There's certainly enough to fill 3 full days in each.

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6977 posts has a number of brochures one can download. Some include, Andalucía for Muslims, Córdoba, World Heritage cities, Culture, and with children. The brochures contain some good information and may give you some ideas.