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Barcelona to Madrid with Rick Steve’s tour

I’m a multi month backpack traveler from the
70’s, I’ve seen it all.
I was looking for a softer ride this time but, I didn’t want a 24/7 overseer.
With Ricks deal is I got the framework of the trip, hotels( in best location)
great tour guide Fredrico who was very cool guy with a high intellect and funny narrative, 1/2 days of important sites
( where they got us into museums without line waiting) several great meals .
Lots of free time to just walk through neighborhoods.
My backpacking memories throughly revived.
I must say, I don’t miss the youth hostel’s

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I haven’t given in to taking a tour yet (though my backpacking days are also over.). But your amusing description makes me think a Rick Steve’s tour would be fun to try when I no longer want the bother of all the preplanning.