My family and I will be in Spain in June this year. The plan is to spend our first 3 days in Barcelona, rent a car and explore the country, then spend a few days in Seville before flying off to Scotland (2nd leg of our family trip) from there.
We have eight days in Spain and I know that the time is very tight to cover the places that I wish to visit. My initial plan was:
Day 1 to 3: Barcelona. 3rd day late afternoon, drive to Montserrat and will stay the night there. Enjoy the peace and quiet of Montserrat without the crowd.
Day 4: Explore Montserrat in the early morning without the crowd, attend Sunday mass and the boys' choir (1pm). Leave Montserrat at around 3pm and make my way to Alcala del Jucar. At this point, I have not found any interesting places along this stretch. I considered another route visiting Tarragona, Peniscola and Valencia, but there was the flood in late-2024 and many people suggested that it might not be a good time to go to the region.
Day 5: Drive to Ubeda, Baeza, Andujar.
Day 6: Drive to Priego de Cordoba, Capileira, and spend the night near Malaga.
Day 7: Drive to Grazalema, Zahara de la Sierra, and reach Seville. Explore Seville at night.
Day 8: Seville, fly off at night.
I know that the itinerary seems too packed and I would like to spend more time in Seville. The distance covered will be about 1600km, which is a lot, but I've done this kind of distance before. I know that there is a stretch from Alcala del Jucar to Ubeda (260km, about 4hr drive) that is quite uneventful and really nothing much to see here.
I am now thinking of another option - fly to Seville on Day 4, then rent a car to loop the places mentioned in Days 5 to 7. This will give me two full days and two nights in Seville (excluding the night we fly off). This eliminates the long drive of about 700km between Barcelona and Ubeda, and I will have to skip Alcala del Jucar, Pena Cortada, and Valencia. Although I would really like to see these places, I think it will be best to give it a miss in order to have enough time in Seville. This will be my most likely itinerary for Spain.
Has anyone here done this route before? The next flight out of Seville will be Day 11. I know this is another option, but I will then be sacrificing my time in Scotland (Edinburgh and driving to Skye through the Scottish Highlands).
I will appreciate your advice on my two options above and thank you in advance. 😊