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Barcelona Birthday Celebration Restuarant

Hi everyone, we are going to be in Barcelona for my husband's birthday 2 July. We are staying in Sant Antoni and I was hoping for some suggestions on what might be a suitable restaurant to celebrate his birthday. But we are travelling with 2 children, so something casual rather than formal, maybe with outdoor dining option/people watching potential? I would think our absolute max budget is 150 euros for 4 including drinks -and our children are always hungry and open to try new foods. All ideas gratefully received!

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3047 posts

What sort of food would you prefer? How old are your "children"?

Given you're visiting Catalonia and that you're open to try new foods, I would recommend a Catalan cuisine restaurant and one I always recommend, as per being one of the most representative of our traditional cuisine is Can Culleretes ( in the El Gòtic, founded in 1786 and continuously feeding generations of Catalans since. You can walk there from Sant Antoni, it's not that far: If anything note it's a formal indoor restaurant -yet you don't have to dress up or anything of sort, huh!- and as per budget it's likely to be below your max -unless you go for a top wine!

For more ideas:

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3 posts

Thank you so much everyone - looks like I have some great choices! Enric - I was hoping you'd answer! Even as a newbie I've noticed you've given loads of great advice on Barcelona. Can't wait!