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Barcelona Airport to Hotel

Trying to decide best and safest way to get from the airport to our hotel (near Placa de Catalunya). Options that I see are using Aerobus or a taxi. My concern is if the bus is a secure way (no one trying to steal a bag or backpack) or should we just do a taxi. Is Uber an option? We are doing RS tour and these are the two options that he mentions.


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27455 posts

I'd have no hesitancy in using the Aerobus, as I did in 2016. Those buses run extremely frequently. I suspect (but don't know for sure) that they don't put more people on the bus than there are seats, which would mean no crowding. It would be hard for a pickpocket to operate in those conditions. And I think the bus goes straight to Placa de Catalunya, with no opportunity for thieves to hop on or off along the way. It must be more likely that a sleep-deprived/jetlagged traveler will leave something behind on the bus, but that can happen in a taxi, too.

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679 posts

I enjoy the RS recommendations for transportation. Headed to Barcelona in May and have chosen to take a taxi or private transfer. This is because of the group size, age and mobility. If I were traveling alone I would take the bus. Utilize RS’s recommendations for safety as well. Don’t relax regarding your valuables or your surroundings. Individuals up to antics ponce when your guard is down. Can happen anywhere in the world.

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587 posts

Aerobus is easy, quick and safe. They are comfortable buses with plenty of seats. I have used it several times as a lone woman, including at night and early morning, and didn’t have the slightest worry about my own personal safety or that of my luggage.

That said, I always keep my personal luggage with me (how would someone steal a backpack if it’s on your lap?) and never fret too much about my suitcase because it’s only clothes.

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4029 posts

In Barcelona, taxis are also easy, quick, and safe and surprisingly quite affordable. I typically just take the taxi from the airport when I am back visiting my family in Barcelona. Last thing I wanna do after a transatlantic flight is hop on a bus.

Uber is in a quasi-legal state at the moment in Barcelona and service is not dependable.

While on the bus or at the bus stop, the pickpockets won't try to take your luggage outright, but rather slip anything of value from bag when you are distracted. I believe that's what happend to another forum member visiting Barcelona a few weeks ago.

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564 posts

We've used the Aerobus twice now on our two trips to Barcelona. There is a luggage rack to put your luggage. So you sit where you can see your luggage, if you're really paranoid. The bus only makes two or three stops, so it's not conducive to pickpockets when you are on the bus. Also, both times we used the aerobus, we had seats and it was never standing room only full. Nobody could rub up against us or bump into us while on the bus. I think you are fine taking the Aerobus, it's very convenient and inexpensive.

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86 posts

We’re in Barcelona at the moment, took a taxi to our hotel from the airport being pretty tired after a long haul flight from Australia. It was easy to follow the signs to the taxi rank where there were plenty waiting. Cost was just over €30 (on a weekday mid morning) to our hotel on via Laietana.