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Barcelona; advise re: scheduling Segruda Familla & Park Guell

We will arrive in Barcelona a couple of days before joining the May 24 launch of My Way: Spain Tour.
On one of our 3 1/2 days in Barcelona we want to visit the Familla Sagruda and Park Guell, both of which require advance reservations with specific entry times.
I don't know how much time to allow for Sagruda Familla and then for getting transportation to Park Guell. I am considering using Touristic Bus blue line to connect those two locations, but I haven't found a schedule that indicates travel time between those points. Is that plausible, or better to take taxi?
How far apart should I schedule the Sagruda Familla & Park Guell entry times?
Would you recommend we visit these sights on our free day before the tour, or on the full My Way tour day in Barcelona?
Any other scheduling suggestions /advice welcome.

Posted by
8124 posts

I would give myself 6 hours between the two site entry times. Visit on your free day.
It may be more interesting to see some of the city and walk to Parc Guell from Sagrada Familia as it is about a mile and five blocks apart and putting the money saved for Tapas or beer or something. Or you can easily take the subway.

Posted by
1841 posts

I used a taxi from Sagrada to Guell. Very cheap and takes you right to the entrance. Walking is certainly possible, but the weather was quite warm that day and it is 1.5 miles. Either way you only need a 30 minute window between the two. Both places great to visit.

Posted by
2266 posts

We had a 9:15-9:30 entrance time to La Sagrada Familia and a 1:30 time at Park Guell. We took a taxi between the two because of mobility issues. We could have made an earlier time easily at Park Guell.

Posted by
7175 posts

Consider including a visit to the wonderful Hospital Sant Pau site, then a late entry for Park Guell. This means no worry about rushing to meet a 2nd entry time.

10:00 - Sagrada Familia (BOOK AHEAD)
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Hospital Sant Pau (UNRESERVED)
17:00 - Walk or transit to ...
18:00 - Park Guell (BOOK AHEAD)

Posted by
27616 posts

Without ascending a tower, I think La Sagrada Familia is at least a 90-minute visit. I don't know how much time a tower would add. If you are not going to see one of the towers, you may want to grab the first entry time for the church when it is relatively uncrowded (no hold-overs from people with earlier entry times). If you are including a tower, I think you don't really have a choice and will be doing the tower part first, so the timing may not make as much difference.

I took the Metro up toward Parc Guell from Placa Catalunya, but there was about a 1-mile walk--uphill--still required. I know there's a bus that provides a convenient link between LSF and Parc Guell, but I don't remember the number. Enric has mentioned it in earlier posts. That would be the best combination of cheap and easy. A taxi would also be fine, especially since there are at least two of you.

The Sant Pau modernista site is wonderful. Understand that it is multiple buildings and has attractive grounds as well, so it is not a 30-minute destination. I was rushed getting through it in two hours (though I took the time to read all information posted in English), and I think there's an additional display area since my 2016 visit.

Parc Guell is all outdoors, so if you happen to have hot weather while you're in Barcelona, you will be glad not to be there in the middle of the day.

Posted by
2019 posts

There is a public bus #92 that one can catch a few blocks north of Sagrada Familia that goes to the East Gate of the park. It takes about 30 mins and is pretty convenient.