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Avoid "My Top Tour"!

I booked a private Alhambra tour with "My Top Tour". The tour guide never showed and when I called the company they blamed it on a computer error. We had to wait an extra hour and a half and when I asked about compensation they only offerd breakfast. My private tour for two cost 360 Euros and the time delay (from a scheduled 8:30 start to a 10:00 start) put us in the middle of huge crowds. Other tour guides told me that this sort of screw up is common for "My Top Tour". Don't waste your time and money on this company.

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8795 posts

I'm so sorry. We could have referred you to an excellent guide that many of us have used.

Edit: Absolutely not blaming the OP. I sincerely wish we could have helped him avoid this disappointment. It must have been very frustrating for him.

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505 posts

Thank you for spreading the word. You may save someone else from a similar fate