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Apart / Hotel

We will be flying into Barcelona Sept 19 and staying throughout but doing other stops. We are looking at staying a week in Barcelona and a week in France.. How do you find the best deals on apartments or apartments hotel... Must haves are air conditioning and wifi!

ALso wanted to know what nearby cities we can visit in both to enhance our trip!

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168 posts

So sorry! Yes we are a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 kids) We are from Florida but my children in one of our homeschool classes that I am having them study about France they saw that there was a Disney in Europe... Of course its not enough that we go twice a year to Walt Disney World but they want to go. One of our children has special needs so we dont have the heart to say no..
We planned on taking them one day.. I saw that it is about a 30 minutes from the Eiffel Tower... In Barcelona we want to be local but an apartment would be best so all can have some space. A washing machine will be very necessary also bc of the amount of days. I had come up with a crazy itinerary of visiting many places and moving around in those 2 weeks (Madrid, Sevilla Rome etc) but my husband said it sounded like a job not a vacation so we are slowing it down a lot...
Dates are Sept 19 to Sept 29 I was thinking Barcelona and Genoa Italy (our ship departs from there) we plan to take a flight on Thursday Sept 27 from Barcelona to Genoa, then we cruise from Sept 29 to October 5th.
From Genoa we can take a flight to Paris and stay there till maybe the 11th or 12th and return to Barcelona to depart on October 15th! I have never put a European vacation together so if you see anything shady please let me know. No offense will be taken! LOL..
Thanking you in advance

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2380 posts

hi martha
like you said it is a crazy itinerary, too many places to see in that short of time, plus the kids will not enjoy moving constantly, (getting up packing checking out transportation get to station or airport, security and passport check, where you going how long checking into to new place) it's a long day. plus i don't think car is useful, parking near or in a parking garage further away, cost of parking and not using car, public transportation or a taxi. Fly from barcelona to genoa, spend couple days before cruise. walk around the town, an aquarium, looking for lunch place with balcony and sea view, gelato. check out genoa, (a train going up hill for kids) for area info, seaside access to put feet in water. board cruise and when you come back decide what's next. look at times flying out, too early to check in to hotel and early checkout to catch flight, fares to which city you want before going back to barcelona. check and, put in filters (A/C, washer/dryer, lots of stairs to climb or elevator (lift), deposit, cash only read fine print). others on this forum will give you excellent pros and cons about your travels, they are here to help you out, and keep you sane and not stressed. happy travels