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Alternative travel

Hello all!
Our itinerary has us traveling from Barcelona to Sevilla on 13 October. We booked Ryanair at around 4:00 pm, non stop. Today we received a cancellation e-mail for that flight. (at least we have some advance notice). So, the question is, would it be better to go with Vueling (Iberia also uses Vueling for this route) or train? The difference in time is significant with the train taking over 6 hours.

Many thanks in advance, this forum has been so helpful11

Posted by
2109 posts

As someone who loves trains and rail travel, I love sitting on a train and watching the world go by especially if the scenery out the window is really beautiful which sometimes it is.

Other times, I can take a refreshing nap on a train and get to my new location perked up and ready to go.

Posted by
7584 posts

A lot depends on the length of your stay. If you have enough time there that a six hour train is appealing to you, then go for it. But if you really want to spend time in the two cities, as Nick mentioned, you might be better off flying. And sometimes flights can actually be cheaper than train rides.

Posted by
3044 posts

Time-wise, a proper "rough" comparison of the two should be:

  • TRAIN: Arriving at a central hub "in" the city a short while before the train departure and exiting "in" Seville 6 hours later.

  • AIRPORT: 30 to 40" from the city centre to the airport. At the very least 45" at the airport (security, boarding procedures... maybe a bit of queuing too). Then 1h45 flight time to Seville. At the airport in Seville, say it takes 20" to get your luggage and find a taxi -best case!- plus a 20" ride to the centre of the city. Total: ~4h