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Alhambra tickets - keep an eye on their website for availability

We are in Spain now and have just bought tickets for the Alhambra for our visit on May 9. Prior to leaving home I had tried to buy tickets but had left it too late and the whole month of May was sold out. After emailing the Alhambra I was told that they release any returned tickets a few days before the actual date. I have been watching each day for May 9 to show up and this morning when I checked there were available time slots throughout the day for the Nasrid Palace visit on the General ticket. It was very easy to buy online and the email that I received confirming the purchase has a PDF attachment which is easy to view without internet access. I also took a screen shot of each ticket as a back-up plan.
So, don’t despair if you haven’t been able to buy tickets before leaving home you will very likely be able to purchase them while travelling as long as you can access the internet and keep an eye out for the dates that are being released.