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Alhambra tickets now purchased!

Thanks for all your advice. It worked!

While researching to purchase tickets to the Alhambra, I could only get details in Spanish. I would get just so far in English on the Ticketmaster site and then any further info was only offered in Spanish.
I would appreciate it if anyone has a reputable site you could suggest where I could purchase the tickets in English.

Posted by
16321 posts

Priscilla, the problem is that Ticketmaster is the official seller for Alhambra tickets and the links posted will take earlad to Ticketmaster when he hits "purchase." I checked and it does switch to Spanish with no apparent way to switch back to English. But do not despair---it is pretty easy to figure out the Spanish ( and a good idea to learn some before your trip). Use the drop-down menus offered to see what is asked at each step. The first asks how many people, Step 2 asks for the desired time of entry to the Nasrid Palaces, and Step 3 is for claiming any discounts you are entitled to ( probably none).

I did not go past that but it should proceed to a shopping cart and then checkout. If you have questions come back and ask.

Or maybe someone knows how to switch it to English?

Posted by
5217 posts

Hi Earlad & Lola,

I didn't realize that the link I gave you switched to Spanish... I apologize.

When I purchased our Alhambra tickets (last summer), I used the Spanish version (I speak Spanish), but I just tried it now, & the English version does switch back to Spanish-- very odd...

I found this other website:

& it refers you to the same website Theresa posted above:

Once you go on this latter website, there is a part that is not translated to English.

So, after you've chosen the number of tickets & the time you want,
there is a part where you can choose; "Special Offers" ("Promotions"), but this only affects you, if you will be traveling with children.

  • "Niños de 12-15A" = children ages 12-15 ( €9,40)
  • "Niños menos de 12A" = children less than 12 years of age (free entry)

**Please note that the senior discount ( "Mayores 65 A EU"), is only offered to those who live in the European Union.

Hope this helps ;-)

Posted by
3 posts

Is it common for it to sell out almost two months in advance? I went on the site today to buy tickets for April 26 for 4 people and couldn't. :(

Posted by
5217 posts

April is a popular month.
I'd suggest calling Ticketmaster directly @ 011- 34- 958- 926-031 ( M- F 8AM - Midnight Spanish time) or 011- 34 -902- 888- 001.

You can also call the hotel were you'll be staying & ask if they have any tickets left for your dates.

Hope this helps.

Posted by
5330 posts

Some browsers include auto translators - they are far from perfect but are getting better. The ticketmaster site works fine with this.

I'm going in late May and there were only 2 tickets available for my desired slot booking 2-3 weeks ago.