We will arrive Madrid airport 7:45 on a Friday morning from USA. At least we're supposed to (fingers crossed, no delays!). I'm wondering if we need to worry about trains being sold out to go to Seville and if we need to purchase tickets ahead of time, or if there is high availability and we can buy them when we get there. I know we lose the opportunity of discounted pricing, but that seems to be a wash-out if you can't make the train that you bought tickets for or if you have to sit and wait for a later train if you are conservative with your time allowance when pre-buying tickets. I'd rather just pay a little more and be able to leave on the earliest train that we can but I don't want to risk not being able to get tickets, either.
Chani, if you read this, I read your helpful article about buying tickets that you suggested in my last post, but it didn't seem to address whether or not trains would be sold out, just the discounted tickets being sold out.
Help! :)