We have a trip coming up in early summer, in which we fly in to Bilbao and have nine days until we need to be in Bordeaux. We clearly want to stay several nights in San Sebastian, and possibly Bilbao? We definitely want to visit Bilbao, Guernica, St-Jean-de-Luz, Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, Bayonne, hiking, villages, history, walking tours, food, wine, local sports, soccer/football...
Some other areas we're considering:
Baztan Valley
Aragon in general
Maybe a bit more out of the way?
We're trying to decide what one or two other bases than San Sebastian we should use. It would be nice to have one place that is more rural/small village, maybe something in the Pyrenees...
We have been to Barcelona, and love it, but probably don't need to head that way this time. We've also spent a nice chunk of time in Dordogne before, so need not revisit that this time.
Any suggestions for bases or don't miss places? Or some of the above places in which we would definitely be better as quick overnight rather than day-trip? While we wouldn't want more than three bases for nine nights, we aren't adverse to an overnight bag visit ;).
Thanks so much! Mila esker! ¡Muchas gracias! Merci beuacoup! ;)