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20 nights for Spain and Portugal first time.

10/14 fly to Madrid
10/15-18 Madrid (4)
10/19 train to Cadiz
10/19-20 Cadiz (2)
10/21 train to Seville
10/21-24 Seville (4)
10/25 train to Cordoba
10/25-26 Cordoba (2)
10/27 train to Granada
10/27-29 Granada (3)
10/30 fly to Porto
10/30-31 Porto (2)
11/1 train to Lisbon
11/1-3 Lisbon (3)
11/4 fly home

Posted by
469 posts

I love Portugal, but skip it this trip.
Slow down and enjoy España.
Our trip to Portugal was 21 days for: Lisboa, Coimbra, Aveiro, and Porto.
Our upcoming 23-day trip to España is: Málaga, Granada, Sevilla, Córdoba, and Madrid.

Posted by
8076 posts

Don't miss Toledo and Segovia on day trips from Madrid.
I suggest skipping Portugal for this trip, you need time to explore the amazing Douro River Valley as well as other smaller cities and towns between Porto and Lisbon. Add Barcelona instead of Portugal.

Posted by
4772 posts

What is booked?
If Lisbon outbound is already purchased, then maybe just save Porto for a future trip and put those two nights somewhere on your Spain itinerary. I would not insert a flight in there for just two days, but that's a personal preference.
Posts that are just a list like this are hard to respond to because we don't know your interests, but based on logistics that is what I would change.

Posted by
265 posts

In Aug/Sep 2023 my wife and I spent 21 nights in Portugal and Spain, staying in all the cities on your itinerary except Cadiz. (10 days Portugal, 11 days Spain). It was our first trip to these areas, and our schedule worked well for us. Information is in our trip reports:

Posted by
1300 posts

My first question would be - are you sure there are direct flights from Granada to Porto? There might be, but I'd definitely check.

Otherwise, it looks like a good itinerary. Personally, I might drop Cadiz and add more time to the other places. Cadiz is great, but it will be a long journey from Madrid and then you need to get back to Sevilla. If you drop it this time, you save two journeys as well as having extra time in the other cities.

Posted by
328 posts

Wow! Looks like you're gonna have a great time! Plenty of time to see stuff! (Are you sneaking a day trip to Toledo from Madrid? I don't see a stop at Ronda either-- no matter! It will be fabulous!)

Happy travels!