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Camino de Santiago

My friend and I are planning to walk part of the Camino (from St. Jean Pied de Port, France to Pamplona, Spain). We are planning 3 days to do this. Is this enough time? What accommodations are along this part of the route? Any other tidbits of info are appreciated.

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16894 posts

Rick's Spain book covers details for staying in those two cities, but not the points in between. For walkers, we recommend a more focused Camino guidebook, such as Walking the Camino de Santiago by Bethan Davies and Ben Cole; there are others, too.

For any other commenters who may have experience walking there, you might state your and friend's level of walking/hiking experience.

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2 posts

Thanks for the advice. We are both in fairly good running shape and walk quickly.

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30 posts

I did Sarria to Santiago last year, and this year will be doing Saint Jean to Pamplona. Most Camino-dedicated guidebooks put Pamplona in the middle of the third day, so yes, it's absolutely possible.

However, the first day is quite long (32km when adjusted for the elevation), and some choose to make that a short day. You'll need to look at a guidebook to determine whether you want to stop early that day, and if you do, just plan on staying in smaller villages rather than the major stopping points. That will still get you into Pamplona on your third day, with more than enough time to sight see.

For English speakers, the most used Camino guidebook is John Brierley's:

You can buy his book on Amazon. It breaks the walk into daily stages, with distances and a list of villages and albergues between common stopping points.

Buen Camino!