Looking for restaurant, tapas, street food recommendations in Madrid and Barcelona, city centers
Favorites in Madrid
La mi Venta
Barra Cruda
This was our go-to place in Madrid circa 2017. It's very close to Reina Sofia.
In Madrid, we LOVED Mercado San Miguel, located near Plaza Mayor. It's not cheap, but the experience and the food were both fabulous!
In Barcelona we like the cafeteria on the 9th floor of the El Corte Inglés department store overlooking Plaza Catalunya. The view is spectacular, the food is surprisingly good and you can relax and enjoy the views without worrying about pickpockets. We have had lunch there three times in the last six months and never tire of the view.
My "go to" lunch is paella and an aperol spritz.
For upscale dining (but not too much) in Bacelona, Los Caracoles off of Placa Real in the Gothic Quarter.
The Spain Reveiled YourTube channel has lots of food and restaurant content for many cities—especially Madrid. He was a founder of Devour Tours.
Barcelona Suggestions
Fismuler Barcelona
Casa Rafols
Paco Alcade
Tandem Cocktail Bar (C/ d'Aribau, 86)
Can Ros
Can Majó
Can Conesa (sandwiches)
Can Dende (breakfast)
And no lie, the best pizza I have ever had in my life, I had in Madrid: https://lapizzateca.com/2019/