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Abades Triana Restaurant Sevilla Food Poisoning

In the Rick Steves' Spain travel guide, Abades Triana Restaurant in Sevilla is recommended. We ate their based on your recommendation and my daughter and I suffered through the worse case of food poisoning we have ever experienced. My wife went back to the restaurant the next day and they would not take responsibility for our illness. We were so weak we could not eat or get out of bed the entire next day and had to miss our non-refundable $460 excursion to Morocco. This is in addition to the $230 of dinner we vomited. I would hate for your other readers to experience what we did.

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3302 posts

I am sorry for your pain and upset travel plans, but how do you know it was the restaurant food that made you sick? Did you and your daughter eat the same dishes? Could it not have been something else---the water, or lunch, or Norovirus you picked up some other way?

Did this start just hours after dinner? Illnesses like Norovirus and Salmonellosis generally take 12+ hours to incubate, although Salmonella can come on a bit faster. It is usually accompanied by chills and fever and abdominal cramps (my husband had this once so I got all the news about it).

You cannot expect the restaurant to take responsibility when you have no proof that is where you contracted this.

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3 posts

Sasha, I do not make these claims casually. My daughter and I did eat exactly the same dinner (we shared the same appetizer and entree). I was trying to not be so graphic in my original account but since you are questioning me, here goes. I realize food poisoning can take up to a day to become symptomatic but in this case our initial symptoms were not diarrhea but we started projectile vomit at the exact same time. For it to be vomiting, you cannot have digested the food, thus the contaminated or under-cooked food must have been ingested recently (in this case, still six hours prior, the last food we ate). If the food poisoning had come from an earlier source, it would have been further digested and manifested as diarrhea instead.

I hope this clarifies this topic for you.

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3551 posts

I am sympathic to your experience as i too have had food poisonong on vacation many times. And i am very careful person espec when traveling?
I hope u are well during future trips.

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3302 posts

I am not a doctor and won't attempt a diagnosis, but I will say that digestion timeis not relevant, itis incubation time for the virus or bacteria that matters. Unless maybe you had an allergic reaction, or shellfish or mushroom poisoning.

So what did you have to eat that you blame for sickness?

Nirovirus is the most common cause of digestive upset, and it can be caught by contact with contaminated surfaces. That is why it is such a problem on cruise ship.

When my husband got salmonella is was about 12 hours after the cause, which was lunch (deli chicken salad). He had muscle aches, chills and fever on top of the tummy trouble.

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3 posts

Sashimi and prawns for the appetizer and rock salt-crusted Branzino for the entree. The fact that this "fine-dining" expensive restaurant was so aloof to the situation was also disconcerting. I wish the management at Abades Triana took as much interest into our situation as you have, Sasha.

If Rick Steves' wants to keep recommending them, that is up to you. It is still a nice location. Perhaps you could lower your recommendation for cocktails instead of dinner.

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5558 posts

Proof that the best places to eat in Sevilla are the cheap, corner tapas places where you suck small snails out of their shells for hours while drinking a Cruzcampo. Sorry you got sick.

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2739 posts

Staphylococcal food poisoning comes on very quickly-30 minutes to a few hours. That is what this sounds like. It is caused by a toxin the staph bacteria produce. Poor cooling temperature of stored food or insufficient cooking allow the growth of staph. We've personally had this at home and abroad. It can happen anywhere.

Posted by
378 posts

Thank you, jocmiami, for your post. It is disconcerting the restaurant was so uncaring. Unfortunately, a restaurant's quality can change.

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440 posts

Seafood is so risky if not stored, prepared or washed correctly and can have bad consequences. Sorry to hear about this and glad you are ok now

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5603 posts

To the OP.

May I point out that Rick Steves personally doesn't read these forums or respond to posts therefore addressing a post to him is a waste of time. These forums are for the likes of you and I, an opportunity to ask for and provide advice, share experiences etc.

Rick's too busy swanning around spending all his money to concern himself with these forums ; )