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Emailing Slovenia

Just curious about why I am unable to send an email response to an address in Slovenia. Our hotel has the email address Angel Hotel [email protected] and while I am able to send them an email via their web site, when I get an email from them and click on reply to send an answer back, it gets rejected! What am I missing here? Also, can anyone explain the phone numbers to me?

THANK YOU ALL again for all the help and advice!

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2941 posts

This will sound like I am acting like you are at fault here, but I am not since I am not able to see what you received back. What does the "FROM" address of their reply show? Could it be a different format than where you initially sent?
In any event, since your email to them at info@etc is in fact going through, try sending your response as a new email to the info@ address with their reply to you pasted in. As for the phone number, you start with your country code, I presume 011, and then the number they show -without the initial "00", which is a placeholder for the country code you are calling from.

Posted by
190 posts

Thank you, Larry. What happens when I send them an email via their web site, they respond back with the above return address. Then when I try to send something to that exact return address, it comes back as an "error" message! Very weird and have tried several times. Not a huge problem since I can still communicate w/them via their web site. It 's just that it doesn't continue the thread of previous email messages, but that's ok. I thought maybe it was the ".si" at the end or something. But THANK YOU for the phone # explanation - very helpful!

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5687 posts

I'd guess it is their problem, actually. There's no reason an email to a valid Slovenian email address should bounce sending from the US - I've done it a few times without a problem.

You may notice European phone numbers written with a + in front. The + is a shortcut for the international access code. Since cell phones, people have found + easier and shorter I guess (to get a + on your cell phone, hold down the 0 key).

So the numbers

011 386 1 42 55 089 (from the their website)


+386 1 42 55 089

are identical. (386 is the country code for Slovenia) . One reason for the + is that it's universal - works calling from Europe and the US the same way; you don't have to ask "where am I calling from - should I dial 00 or 011?"

This is helpful too:

Posted by
8889 posts

.si is the correct suffix (technically a "Top Level Domain") for Slovenia. See here:
All two letter codes are country codes, same for e-mails and internet addresses, for example etc.

Sounds like a fault at their end. is a valid internet address and goes to their internet site. Possibly their e-mail service is "sick".

I have also seen cases where a ".com" is erroneously added to an address, because some people or programs think everything must end in a 3-letter code.

Posted by
190 posts

Thank you, Andrew, Jazz and Chris. So, it sounds like I can hold down the "0" and it will make a "+" which is the same as dialing the international code? Great to know!

I do think there is some weird error on their end because the email address IS there web site! Hmmm. I tried a .com instead of .si and that didn't work either. Maybe they don't want emails other than from their site..

Appreciate all the links on how to do this stuff. Will definitely review!

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2941 posts

I just looked at their web page, and I see you can generate info back to them on the page, while clicking on their email link initiates an email via my email client. It is possible that their email service is blocking email, or at least from your provider. Messages through their web page would not be blocked.

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5687 posts

There are all kinds of reasons email could bounce that have nothing to do with the sender. These hotels and B&Bs often have some third party taking care of their website and email and just let things sit for years at a time - and then something breaks in their email setup and they don't even know how to fix it or that it is even broken. (If their email bounces, how many people are going to call them and say, "Your email is bouncing?") A web page with a "Contact me" form may send email to an entirely different email address.

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3522 posts

That response form on their web site is not email. It is a web page response action. You may receive back an email from your correspondence, but you are not sending an email using the web page form.

Posted by
190 posts

Okay, I see. I will just do all my correspondence through the web page. Just kind of weird; maybe I'll mention it to them when there.
At least I now know I'm not crazy. (Well, at least not as far as this is concerned....)

Posted by
5687 posts


That response form on their web site is not email. It is a web page response action. You may receive back an email from your correspondence, but you are not sending an email using the web page form.

Actually, you are almost certainly sending an email with the web page form. But their server is sending the email on, not your email program. I doubt they are faxing over the contents of the web page submissions...