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Driving route from Ljubljana to Bled

We are taking our first trip to Slovenia this fall and plan to drive a rental car from Ljubljana to Bled on October 3rd. Thanks to the many great suggestions in other postings here, here is the routing that I'm considering: Ljubljana to Bled. With no stops (which there will be) Google Maps says it should take 3h 30min. We live in Colorado and are comfortable driving mountain roads.

My questions for this group:
1. Some have suggested a more direct route: Ljubljana/SkofkaLoka/Jamnik/Kropa/Bled. Is my variation a reasonable routing?
2. If we were to leave 9ish in the morning, where should we stop for lunch?
3. Is there anything else about this route that I should know before heading out?

Thanks in advance,

Posted by
1953 posts

If you check out my photo album at, the first one shows the route my sister and I took. I don't know anything about your route (whether it might be better than ours?) but you don't actually make it to Lake Bohinj, which would be a mistake.

We ate lunch at Gostilna Rupa (shown in some photos in the album). It was recommended by the desk clerk at the Slamic B&B, where we stayed in Ljubljana. And we enjoyed it a lot. You can Google it for more info and directions.

Whatever route you take I'm sure you will have a fabulous day. Enjoy!

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5534 posts

I've driven these roads and I doubt they are what you are used to in Colorado. Mountains aren't the issue - the villages are as the roads come through in a single lane. Use the mirrors posted in the villages. Be careful not to clip buildings and be sure to hire a smaller vehicle.

Posted by
155 posts

Rab -
We drove that route last week, well basically. We arrived Skofka Loka from Gorenja Vas not Ljubljana but from SL we drove to Bled.
The roads are windy. hilly, with plenty of switchbacks - at one point on a narrow way we had to back up to allow cars to pass - but it was a totally fun drive! My memory is from SL to Bled was about 3 hours - we stopped for lunch in Kropa - much better than the more direct highway drive.
Once in Bled - I would also recommend visiting Radovljica (about 15-20 mins drive) - a walled town that is easy to walk through - with a couple of nice places to eat with terrace views.

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155 posts

Lane - I looked through your photos - very well done! Good eye! You captured the Bled area beautifully - Don

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5687 posts

I have recommended the route to Bled via Skofja Loka and Jamnik and Kropa numerous times here and still recommend it. It's a beautiful drive. Skofja Loka would be the ideal place to stop for lunch, except that it might be an early lunch if you leave that early. I guess you might get to Skofja Loka by 10am, spend an hour there just exploring, then have lunch around 11 and head out. The towns you encounter after that are much smaller than Skofja Loka, so fewer lunch opportunities though you'll certainly pass places to eat. Don's idea of Kropa might be perfect - I didn't spend much time there.

I have this picture of the Jamnik church up on my wall at home:,5D0IMG77520,348,1,0,0-slovenia.html

As said above, the roads are pretty narrow so just be careful.

Posted by
117 posts

Thank you all! I will plan to report back after our trip.