Planning to rent a car in Ljubljana and visit Vienna before returning to Slovenia. Are there any issues we need to be aware of?
1) make sure the rental car has a vignette for Slovenian tolls if you plan to drive
on highways
2) you may need to separately purchase a vignette for Austrian highways. Most
likely they will not take care of this for you in Slovenia.
Obviously you need to review the insurance and liability options and decide what
works best for you.
Hi. If main goal is to visit Vienna, you might want to consider taking the train and not renting a car. Enjoy your trip!
No, really!
You should consider adding a cross-border fee to your car rental. You will need to buy a vignette in Austria, but most Slovenian car rental companies will arrange for the local Slovenian vignette.
There is a shuttle service called GoOpti that is faster than regular buses and can pick you up from a number of places in Ljubljana and take you directly to the train station in Vienna.
good luck!