Hello, We are traveling in early September to a few countries & have some inquiries about Slovakia I'm hoping someone can assist. In your opinion is better to take a train or bus from Budapest to Bratislava? We have 3-4 days in Slovakia - would it be best to rent a car to drive to the different destinations we want to see or should we use the train although from my research it doesn't seem as if it goes to as many places we may want to see?? What would be the top 10 things you would recommend to see? We have so many places picked out & trying to figure out the most efficient way to see them all, any advice would be so appreciated on an itinerary. Last question - at the end of our trip we are traveling to Vienna from Bratislava - would it be best to do so by bus or train. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for whatever information you can provide!
I should mention we are interested in seeing everything from the caves, to the wineries, wooden folk house villages, hiking in the mountains, castle ruins.