i have a friend that wants to get away for a couple of evenings. I've been coming to Budapest on a regular basis for 20 years, but because of the mixed reviews never visited Bratislava. I noticed that the reviews have improved considerably over the last 10 years so maybe its time to visit.
I am feeling lazy. So, I need recommendations.
17 June, Monday
I would arrive in Bratislava by train from Budapest about noon.
So i need a nice hotel. Something unforgettable, but very well located for the afternoon and the next day.
I need a plan for the afternoon
18 June, Tuesday
Need a plan for the day.
19 June, Wednesday
I will depart by DayTrip.com on Wednesday morning. With DayTrip the stops that are offered are:
- Devin castle. Never been. The stop is one hour?
- Pannonhalma Archabbey (been before, but I love and my traveling companion has never been, so .... But worth more than a one hour stop .... but still tempting
- Komarno, Slovakia. I have been to the Hungarian side. That was facinating. Never been to the Slovak side. Good stop for lunch and just to see the center.
- Esztergom. Great city. Worth a lot more time than a one hour stop, so I will save it.
- Brunszvik Castle. Dont know anything about it. What little I have read doesnt light my fire. But maybe someone can change that?
I only want one stop, as someone has to go to work in the early afternoon and we just dont have more time.
Also need food, wine, beer, music .......