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Is Slovakia safe?

We plan on traveling throughout Slovakia (and Hungary) by car in the Fall for two months, and we are now second guessing how safe it is there, especially places outside of the major cities of Bratislava (and Budapest). We just came back from a two month driving adventure through Slovenia and Croatia, and discovered that parts of Croatia weren’t that great, although Slovenia was fantastic in every way! Locals mentioned to us that Slovakia is just okay as far as safety is concerned (although not as bad as Bosnia). We travelled through Bosnia for a little bit, and it was very uncomfortable and the roads were a mess.

So have any of you traveled through Slovakia via car recently? If so, what was your impression?

Thank you in advance for your replies. I really appreciate it!


Posted by
34583 posts

just wondering, with the multiple 2 month trips, are you running up against the 90 days in 180 Schengen limits?

Sorry not to have personal Slovakia recent knowledge

Posted by
7054 posts

Are you referring solely to road infrastructure/ driving conditions, or anything else?

Posted by
5558 posts

Here is what the US Embassy thinks about Slovakia (hint, it is Level 1, low risk) -

Your post is unclear about what you mean by "safe," "weren't great," and "very uncomfortable." As you likely know, Slovakia is a developed country in the heart of the European Union.

Perhaps you want to ask your question as well on the Trip Advisor forum for Slovakia.

Posted by
21414 posts

I picked Presov because its sort of centrally located and maybe more typical than Bratislava. Compared it to Kansas City, MO; but you can input your home town.

And yes, I have driven through Slovakia a few times and nothing botheres me. Of course nothing much bothered me in Bosnia or Croatia either; Albania, just a tiny bit of discomfort. But its all about personal tolerances so no answer is right or wrong.

You do know that Slovakia shares a border with Ukraine, right?

Posted by
9 posts

Thanks for your responses. As far as what I meant by safety, as an example in Karlovac, Croatia, we were very surprised to see that most of the buildings were left in a bombed-out state due to the war in the 1990’s. There was also more poverty there compared to other parts of Croatia. Bosnia’s roads were horrendous with potholes and roads in total disrepair. The villages we saw in Bosnia were very run down and dilapidated, and as I had mentioned previously, locals that we had spoken to about Bosnia’s situation agreed with us that they drive all the way around Bosnia rather than through it even though it takes more driving time to do it that way.

We have driven extensively throughout Europe for years including living there back in the ‘90’s. Yes, I know Slovakia borders Ukraine - but so does Poland which is a wonderful country to explore. I’m also aware of the Level 1 status of Slovakia which was one of the reasons we wanted to go there, but after speaking to some of the locals about Slovakia’s safety issues, we have been second guessing our travel plans. That’s why I posted my original question here to see what others have experienced.

Thanks for suggesting to ask the question through TripAdvisor. We’ll definitely give that a try!

Posted by
5558 posts

So to you unsafe = buildings in disrepair as a result of a still fairly recent war, "poverty," potholes.

I am sorry that these things make you uncomfortable and that you equate these things with personal safety. Perhaps Sweden or Switzerland is a better choice for you.

Posted by
21414 posts

I don’t think you are going to feel “safe” in Slovakia. You might think about Austria instead.

I would say you aren’t going to be happy with the roads. I won’t try and classify them as safe or dangerous as that’s way too subjective; will just say that they are pretty much consistent with Eastern Europe in general. I have maybe 10 hours experience on Slovakian roads (almost the full width of the country and a lot of smaller roads looking for fishing spots), and close to equal that experience on roads in each Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro.

You won’t find any bombed out buildings in Slovakia (like you will in Budapest), but you will find many condemned (or should be condemned buildings).

The poverty rate in Slovakia is on par with Hungary, slightly better than Croatia and Bosnia and like Croatia and Bosnia lower by nearly half that of Poland.

As for crime, you will have trouble finding any place in any of these countries that is not statistically less crime ridden than any location in the United States (unfortunately). I posted a link for you to search.

Posted by
5051 posts

Well, I started to say I would be interested in your perceptions if you do this trip, since one of my two early October options is a 2 week solo drive through Slovakia. But I don’t think you’ll be early enough.

I understand that your use of “safe” might refer to damage to your car due to bad roads, as opposed to physical safety for yourself. Having just come from Albania and now with a car in northern Greece, I have seen a variety of roads and can see that to be valid sometimes. I suspect Slovakia might be the same. But with only 2 weeks, I won’t have time to get TOO far off the mainstream.

I don’t have much experience in Bosnia yet, for comparison, but I will be there for 2 weeks in September. My limited experience there so far is driving Dubrovnik to Mostar to Zadar - roads were just fine. I will learn more soon.

I guess I am a little odd, in that I typically tend to feel “safer” regarding my physical safety (as in theft, not assault - I have yet to worry about that) in smaller places than bigger cities. Some day I may encounter something to prove me wrong but not yet.

With your experiences, you should post a trip report of the “off the beaten track” places you have driven to!

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4731 posts

TexasMom, I think it's reasonable to think you're safer from pickpockets in smaller cities. I think the larger more touristed cities would definitely be a magnet for pickpockets.

Posted by
1177 posts

If you have that fear it willl cloud your trip. You should not go.
That said. I would go. I went to Mostar and Sarajevo recently on public transport. Never once thought about safe or not. Sure, there are some dilapidated buildings. Heck, Italy is full of that.
Now that you mentioned Slovakia, maybe it is the place and time to go, before the tour buses start rolling on a regular basis.

Posted by
21414 posts

treemoss2, Slovakia (other than Bratislava which is barely in Slovakia) is one of the greatest undiscovered destinations in Europe. The nature, the castles the old towns and the unique cultures. Hard to beat. Also like a lot of Eastern Europe not convenient to navigate like countries in the West are.

But you are 100% correct, you gotta feel comfortable to enjoy.

I hope the OP realizes that much of Hungary looks like Croatia and Slovakia?

Budapest (and every village and town) has bombed out or abandoned buildings, (this is a few blocks from where I stay: and is not uncommon at all),

You can not take a walk through the tourist zone of Budapest or any village center without seeing homeless sleeping in doorways (the poorest country in the EU I believe).

I've been on some pretty dicey roads in Hungary too and there are a few streets in Budapest that are paved by defination but not by function.

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5051 posts

Mister É, Slovakia is one of the greatest undiscovered destinations in Europe.
This is what you told me about Albania, too….. Although you weren’t wrong.

country was a bit boring - shoulda listened to the elderly front desk guy at my Vienna hotel and used my day more wisely.
This seems to be where I am any time I spend only a day or part of a day somewhere large. I have almost quit. A whole country in one day is a lot.

@cala, thanks. :) Maybe I am not so odd. Lol.

I am really excited about a circle around Slovakia. I guess I should go ahead and rent my car…..

Posted by
9 posts

Thanks for all your replies! We were actually very disappointed of the possibility of us not going to Slovakia, especially with all the research I’ve done - but now, we’ve decided to go! I’ll share our experiences with you all after we come back. Thanks again!

Posted by
32 posts

Sorry I am only seeing this now. I have been traveling in Slovakia since 2001. More than a dozen trips. I have never had a issue where we have felt uncomfortable. As a matter of fact we have found Slovaks to be most welcoming. More so than the US. I think you will find the country and the people to be some of the friendliest. The country has some of the most beautiful landscapes and castles in Europe. On my early trips english in the villages and smaller cities was a problem but now most young people speak very good english. It is taught in the school systems. If you learn a few words or sentence's in Slovak it will make your experience even better. Joining the EU also helped build up the infrastructure. Most roads are very good. They are slowly building autobahns through the country, but you really want to get off the beaten path and enjoy the ride. The food is also a good reason to visit. We love it. You can order great guide books and maps thru...The Slovak Spectator [email protected] Communications is also not a problem there. I use T Mobile and is free. other voice call. Typically we rent a car at the Bratislava airport because its half the cost of Vienna. You can take the train from Vienna to Bratislava and then Uber to the airport. about 27e for 2 people. You can also fly into Krakow and rent a car. ....another great small city to visit. Slovakia is our goto country.

I hope you made the trip. For anyone that wants suggestions on where to go and what to see please email me [email protected]
Happy travels.

Jesus. Bosnia is one of the safest countries I've been to. I feel safer there than I do in any big city in Western Europe.

Posted by
21414 posts

Its been a few years, but to answer your question, which cities, which neighborhood in those cities? Or in general, yes, pretty safe.

As for Bosnia, now, yes safe. Once war breaks out, maybe not.

Posted by
9 posts

Well, we just got back from our 2-month adventure to Slovakia and Hungary, and I must say that it was absolutely wonderful! We had the greatest time and felt as if we were transported in time. Loved all the historical sites which were further enhanced by having fewer crowds as compared to many Western European countries. Luckily we kept a daily journal because otherwise I probably couldn’t remember everywhere we visited because we saw so much. Definitely recommend these two countries and we can’t wait to go back again!

P.S. One thing I have to mention is that we were staying in a hotel on the 6th floor in Humenne, Slovakia (which was the epicenter) during a 5.3 earthquake! We heard that this type of occurrence never happened in Slovakia before - but believe me, this is an experience that we will never forget!

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15237 posts

Good that you enjoyed the visit in Slovakia. A day trip from Vienna either by train or the boat dep. from Schwedenplatz is what interests me. Did you visit Bratislava too?

In Bratislava aside from exploring the Zentrum , I 'm interested in seeing the chateau (connected to Napoleonic history), known historically as "Schloß Preßburg" whether a guided tour is available and all that.

Posted by
32 posts

Glad you made the trip. When you get a chance please share your where you visited.

Posted by
5051 posts

Glad you made it and had a great trip! Any chance you will post a trip report? I didn’t make it to Slovakia this fall but would still love to.