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Bratislava for one day trip

Hello fellow travellers,
We will be in Vienna 4 nights and planning to take one day in-between to visit Bratislava, taking the short train ride. I researched sightseeing, but would like some personal experience and recommendations. Good place for lunch and all else. Thank you

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13 posts

On my brief stopover in Bratislava, I took a public bus out to Devin Castle for a nice side trip. If I remember, the bus ride is under 30 minutes, and the public bus website was easy for me to figure out on my own. It's mostly an outdoor ramble over ruins, so I'd only recommend it on a nice day, but there were some nice views and I rather enjoyed it. I also recommend strolling the Old Town, which had interesting art and lots of young families.

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58 posts

We spent a lovely day just in the Old Town. Plenty to see.

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50 posts

Ditto what Marcus said. We took the Authentic Slovakia post-Communist tour last week and it was one of the highlights of the trip for my teen sons. It was a refreshing change from standard tours and really gave us a much better appreciation for Bratislava. Our guide brought along a Slovakian specialty soda, Vinea made from wine grapes. Best soda I've ever tasted.

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36 posts

Hi travelers,
Thanks you all above for your suggestions. On the way to Bratislava tomorrow saturday and will look for that "authentic" tour.
Thanks again,

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614 posts

FYI: When we did the trip last year they had a promo that the train ticket included a day pass for the buses in Bratislava .

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36 posts

Hello everyone who responded to my post/question re Bratislava,
Just returned from a full day there and it was fantastic. Instead of taking the "authentic tour" we just looked for the "Free Walking Tour" and it couldn't have been better. The guide Simona was awesome and knowledgeable and we cover over two hours a great deal of walking/sightseeing. True, the train ticket from Vienna also included free bus/Tram rides in the city. I highly recommend a visit to Bratislava, a refreshing change from modernism and the old city part very unique. Thanks everyone.