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Two nights en route between Stirling and Skye

We have reservations near Stirling, then two day/night open calendar before lodging in Skye in late June. Where should we spend the two nights?

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5 posts

Thank you for Fort William suggestion. Ideas for two nights lodging their end of June? What day trips do you suggest from Fort William, things to do, places to eat, etc.

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8892 posts

Might be worth your time and money to grab an RS Scotland guide. Would contain invaluable intel and answer your questions.

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7034 posts

Cathy, it would help if you would tell us what you are interested in? Hiking or quaint towns or food? That makes a bit of a difference.

I was thinking Glencoe might be a good stop. It's more scenic than Fort William, although Fort William is definitely bigger. You can find more info by checking some of these posts from the forum:

Here's an article from the website that mentions both as well and lists some things to see and do in both places:

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5 posts

We are interested in quaint towns, history, beautiful scenery; we are active and like to hike, bike etc. Not into cities, chain restaurants, etc. I understand it's getting last minute and choices for locations and lodging may be an issue. I do have the RS Scotland book; honestly I find it's a bit sparse compared to the RS Ireland book we used a few years ago. Love the information on this forum, lots of great ideas!

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7671 posts

Cathy, you asked for done recommendations. We stayed there for 2 nights, but several years ago. I don’t recall the name of the B&B, but it was on the south edge of town. Hopefully you can find a suitable place with some Online searching. There was a great Indian restaurant downtown, but I can’t tell you its name either.

The highest peak in the U.K., Ben Nevis, is just outside of town. There are hiking/walking opportunities, if you’re interested. I’m also aware of Neptune’s Staircase, an elaborate set of boat locks, and understand that it’s a popular sight, but didn’t get to see it on that last trip. Are you already getting to Skye via the Mallaig train/ferry? If not, the train for a day is another activity you might consider while you’re staying in Fort William.

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2079 posts

Scrap the Guide Books - have a look at the Undiscovered Scotland website instead. It has a wealth of information and ideas of what to do and see. Many really are the hidden gems that never get a mention in the guide books. Find the relevant map and just follow the links...

They also have ideas for driving tours too.

For walking ideasa use the Walk Highland website. There are loads of ideas and they also grade walks on difficulty and how boggy are underfoot. They have good descriptions and a link to the Ordnance Survey map marking the route.

I wouldn't describe Fort William as 'quaint' (Scotland doesn't really do quait towns anyway...) It is very much a tourist based town but does have the advantaqge of having a lot of accommodation, cafes, shops et., It is also an excellent base for the surrounding area.

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1667 posts

Cathy, we are currently in Scotland. We are headed to Skye tomorrow where we will spend 4 nights. Then from Skye we are going to Glencoe where we are spending 2 nights at the Glencoe Inn, which is near Ballachulish. I chose Glencoe because many people recommended it to me. The area is supposed to have beautiful scenery. I think Stirling is about 2.5 hours from Glen Coe so it would be a logical stop on the way to Skye.