What are the options for travel from Belfast, Ireland to Glasgow, Scotland? Costs, duration etc.
Thank you.
CityLink has a service by bus and ferry between Glasgow and Belfast--ferry between Cairnryan and Belfast, bus between Glasgow and Cairnryan. Trip takes about 5 hours, advance ticket is 28 GBP.
When do you plan on going? Random search shows that on Sept. 4, 2021 you can fly one way from Belfast to Glasgow for $60. It's a 45 minute flight.
The ferries have been running on reduced capacity due to Covid. I would fly, which is quicker. Booking further in advance will be cheaper. The cost will vary depending on when you are travelling.
Rome2rio.com is a useful resource for looking at route options.
We did the ferry as a part of a package tour.... just before the halfway point we turned around due to an announced "medical emergency of a passenger " turning a five hour trip into a 9 hr trip.... not sure I'd risk that again
Yes, please do not be confused about N Ireland where Belfast is located and Ireland.
Research “The Troubles” to see why.
You’ll need to have British Pounds to spend in Belfast and Euros in Ireland.
Enjoy your trip.