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Transporting a tot: stroller, carrier, etc?

We are planning to spend two weeks in Scotland this spring with an almost 2 year old. We will be renting a car and driving around to several areas (Edinburgh, Isle of Mull, Isle of Skye, and Inverness are probably our main ones, we haven’t nailed down an itinerary yet). I’m wondering if a stroller would be useful or not. Should we just plan on wearing her in a baby carrier? She’ll probably want to get down and walk a lot too. She’s usually pretty good about staying close to us though. (If she were the runaway type I’d probably consider a child leash).

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2739 posts

Lots of places that are not stroller friendly and, yet, times you’ll want the stroller and let your back rest. So I’d say both. But bringing the right carrier is way more important to your comfort and safety so bring that along and buy an inexpensive umbrella stroller there. You have a car so easy to transport and if you don’t love it you can toss or donate it at the end of your trip.

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9 posts

Ooh that brings up a great question! Anywhere to buy cheap baby gear in Edinburgh? Here in the states I can grab a cheap car seat at Walmart for $80 (less than renting) and a stroller for $20. Any stores like that in or near Edinburgh?

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11892 posts

When we lived in Europe we bought a lot of items from and Our niece had a portable crib sent to us from for their toddler. Perhaps you could buy the items online at the UK site and have them shipped to your first hotel or B&B.

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1577 posts

Hi, adaugherty7,

Check out this link:

Also, try to find a Tesco/Sainsbury/Asda supermarket superstore. You might be able to find a good deal there. You could also try some of the better charity shops in Edinburgh. The best ones are along South Bridge/Nicolson Street and along Morningside Road.

Try to avoid shops that specialize in baby things. You'll pay an arm and a leg there.

Best wishes,

Mike (Auchterless)