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Transportation to Skye

How easy is it to get to Skye from Edinburgh? Train - bus - rental car? How long is the drive?

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7457 posts

Train is about 7 hours to Kyle of Lochalsh (change at Inverness), then a 1 hour bus ride to Portree if the connection is good.

Coach is 9 hours all the way to Portree (change at Glasgow)

Driving, non stop is 5 1/4 hours on AA route planner, via the Skye Bridge, I hope Jacqui (Skyegirl) will give a more accurate version than that, for the 236 mile journey

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1268 posts

Hi nw,

It takes me a good 5.5 hours to drive from Edinburgh to my house (45 minutes north west of Portree), and that is with only a very quick comfort break/change of driver. I am not stopping to take photos or admire the scenery and I know the road very well so can overtake slower cars when safe to do so.

If you are planning to spend time on Skye you will want a car while here as public transport on the island is woeful to non existent and the bus schedules between the main villages are based around the school day as they double as school buses.

Best wishes
Jacqui (Skyegirl)