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To Robert Burns - a poem

A few years ago, one of the Scottish dailies held a competition for people to write a poem in the style of Robert Burns. This one didn't win. It should have.

We came tae Ayr tae see your hoose
And pay oor due respects
The rain was runnin' like a sluice
And drippin' doon oor necks

We saw nae man like you, Rab
Nae lassie like Jean Armour
I don't know where you are the noo
But your better off, and warmer

Do you suppose that, over 200 years after his death, the man thought that we'd still be commemorating his birthday in countries around the world? And that his face would grace countless shortbread tins, and that there would even be a tour company named after him?

Mike (Auchterless)

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3662 posts do tell us...did you write that?!
Well done!
Happy Burns' Night .

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1573 posts

Hi, S J,

No, I didn't write it, although I wish that I had! The author is Gerald Strain, and I've been trying for years to track down the original source. The poem was recited to me about 20 years ago by a good friend in Glasgow. I like to bring it out every 25th of January!

Best wishes,

Mike (Auchterless)