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Start our trip in London or Scotlalnd?

Might be a silly question, however. We plan to spend 10 nights in Scotland (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Highlands) and 4-5 nights in London. Tentative dates have us leaving Wash DC the second week of May (dates are very flexible). We will purchase open jaw tickets so no backtracking. Any insider information on whether to do London first or Scotland first?

*Yes, we have considered just spending the whole time in Scotland but as of now this is our plan.
Thanks so much

Posted by
2440 posts

English schools are on holiday the last week of May so that may be a reason to do London first? Other than that, I can't see it making a lot of difference.

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5014 posts

I would probably decide 1) based on practicalities like flights and available lodging; then if that doesn’t matter 2) random decision to start with London (no particular reason except I feel like Scotland is more relaxed).

Posted by
451 posts

It tends to warm up earlier in London than in Scotland, so that might be a reason to start in London, but no guarantees with island weather….

Posted by
5309 posts

Perhaps a comparison of flight and hotel availability and costs should be done as there might be a substantial difference that would make the decision easier. If they are, or are nearly the same, then it's six of one and half a dozen of the other.

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1527 posts

The flowers are a couple of weeks behind in Scotland so I would start in London and work North to see any gardens at their best.

Posted by
7360 posts

I’d start in the place I could fly to directly and fly back from the one that involves a layover. That minimizes chances for lost luggage. If luggage gets lost on the return it won’t mess up your vacation. I know you can fly into Heathrow directly from both BWI and IAD. I don’t know about Reagan. When we flew to Edinburgh from BWI on British Airways there was a layover in Heathrow.

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5919 posts

United has a seasonal non-stop flight from IAD to EDI; I don’t know when the season starts (it used to be sometime in May). They are the only airline with non-stops from DC to both EDI and LHR. I would start with United and see what the pricing looks like for both options.

I would definitely choose a non-stop on United over a connecting flight on BA.

Posted by
2707 posts

I fly United from SFO; In September I started my trip in Edinburgh--SFO to Dulles, then to Edinburgh, so you might be able to avoid a layover at all if you choose United. Flight left IAD at 10 pm or so and I arrived at 10:30 am in Edinburgh--that gave me a pretty full first day. Then LNER train to London, and then direct flight home from Heathrow.

As to which comes first, this was my first trip to Edinburgh and 5th to London so I like to start with the new city.

Posted by
8558 posts

I would probably decide 1) based on practicalities like flights and available lodging; then if that doesn’t matter 2) random decision to start with London (no particular reason except I feel like Scotland is more relaxed).

I agree. All things being equal, I would start with London (which takes a lot of energy) and wind up in Scotland, which is lovely and scenic and you're able to wind down there.

I'm doing something similar next year. I'm spending 5 weeks in England, but the first week will be in London, then I'm moving around from Cornwall and Devon, then up north and finally winding up in Northumberland, which is similar to Scotland. I figure by that point, I'll be ready for some peaceful and beautiful scenery to relax in.