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Scottish midges

We are planning a trip to Scotland in July and have heard about the biting midges. is this a problem for travellers?
any advice would be appreciated.

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1351 posts

Midges are a problem for all of us - even those of us who live here! But seriously, it depends on what you will be doing, where in Scotland you are going and what the weather is like. Midges like still, cloudy, damp conditions. They inhabit the Highlands and western islands. If you are only visiting Edinburgh, Stirling and the east coast, Orkney or Shetland, you might be fine. If you are coming to Skye, Glencoe, Fort William, Oban, Mull, Iona etc you might well encounter midges. If it's warm, windy and sunny while you are here you might be fine. If it's damp, with no wind and cloudy you will probably get bitten.

The best repellent I have come across is Smidge. Sold in most outdoor shops and even the local supermarket in Skye. If you are doing a lot of hiking you might like to consider a head net made of fine mesh. You will see lots of people wearing them when the midges are out.

July and August are the worst months for midges.

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1373 posts

It looks like Smidge uses DEET as its active ingredient, an ingredient I prefer to avoid. Skyegirl, do you have any experience with Repel or other lemon-eucalyptus repellents? How about repellent featuring picaridin?

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1373 posts

Thanks, Skyegirl. Looks like I found faulty information on the internet. (I should get a prize for such an uncommon find.)

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1375 posts

Hi gbaumbusch -

I thoroughly recommend the purchase of a head net if you are venturing to where midges might be in abundance. But I’d buy it once in Scotland as I understand some non-Scottish head nets don’t have a fine enough mesh to keep the annoying biting sods (they are tiny and ferocious!) out successfully.

I have newly returned from The Orkneys, and while I didn’t need it*, my head net was one of the first things I packed!

*Interesting alleged midge facts: they don’t/can’t fly in winds of over 7 mph and only the females bite (which I don’t intend to comment on further!).

There’s a video on You Tube by American hiker Kraig Adams on his hike up the West Highland Way which features a disturbing few moments of him being utterly overwhelmed by midges. It’s a sobering watch!

Forewarned is forearmed! Have a great trip!


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1365 posts

I am off camping next week to the west coast....headnet in the pocket over my heart.
Last year was a good year for hikers I was hardly bothered by them all summer long.
Was dry and sunny for about 5 weeks thru June.
Getting to the point the burns were drying up.
I never use repellant but had some high strength Deet product once that.melted my hat..I took that as a cautionary sign

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2 posts

Many thanks to everyone who responded to my question about midges.
Sounds as if they are quite pesky little insects.
i will need a net for sure!

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2566 posts

“I never use repellant but had some high strength Deet product once that.melted my hat..I took that as a cautionary sign.”

Deet can also melt the paint on your dslr controls.

Posted by
37 posts

Where does one purchase the head nets in Scotland? Easy to find in July? We have some from Alaska but not enough for the kids as well. Used to need to wear a hat under the net to keep it elevated off the top of our heads as the mosquitos would just bite through it otherwise.

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1365 posts

Pretty much every outdoors clothes shop and once in the Highlands, petrol stations, food shops .
£5 is the going rate

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1373 posts

This might be a good place to celebrate the proliferation of excellent retail shops in Scotland that specialize in outdoors gear. Trespass and Mountain Warehouse are on the budget end; Barbour and Rohan for the better-heeled. If you're looking for rain gear, boots or backpacks, Scotland is your huckleberry.

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977 posts

Do you think I will need the repellent and headnet in midSeptember?
going to Loch Lomond, FtWilliam, inverness and Edinburgh around 20 Sept.
Sadly no islands, Thanks!

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1351 posts

Melissa, you should be OK by mid September, but a head net is very small and lightweight so it might be worth buying one once here if you intend to do any hiking in the west highlands. Smidge will still be available in the outdoor shops in Fort William. Edinburgh will be fine.