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ScotRail Highland Rover Tour

We go to England every three years to visit relatives and we often do some touring with them. The next time is June 2018 and my cousin has suggested that we do a ScotRail Highland Rover trip. It's a special pass that allows up to 8 days rail travel starting in Edinburgh to Spean Bridge, Arisaig,Fort William, Bridge of Orchy, Inveroran, Wemyss Bay, taking a ferry to Bute then back to Edinburgh. We would stay at hotels in Spean Bridge. Inveroran and But.

We've never traveled in Scotland and would like the views of fellow travelers who have taken this trip, if there are any. Also, any general advice that you think might be helpful in helping us decide whether to go.

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3122 posts

I may be misinformed, but I thought the Rover was not a specific route as you've described, but rather a pass that allows you to travel on ScotRail for a specified number of days, to destinations of your choice.

Do you mean that your cousin has mapped out the route and plans to have you use the Rover ticket for your travel?

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36 posts

I think you may be right about how the ticket works. What I'm going by is a short item from British magazine listing travel ideas that my cousin sent. The Rover ticket and the place names were mentioned in it. She is looking into it further. She also is looking at timing, hoping to avoid midge season. Apparently they are biting insects that can be quite unpleasant and are bad in June.

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1674 posts

Had a look on the website as I need to get my free season ticket week.

The Highland Rover is a ticket only. It is for:

A) Standard Class travel
B) ScotRail trains only
C) Eight days

There are other limitations on timings but benefits like a discount on Northlink Ferries.

Basically in Scotland you cannot get to Lockerbie, which is operated by Abeillo ScotRail but not served by them... It made sense to someone.

You can only travel on ScotRail, not Virgin {insert] Coast, Caledonian Sleeper or Cross Country.

And you are restricted to the ScotRail network. Which is basically the Scottish Railway Network excluding Lockerbie.

Apart from that, if where you want to go is on the network why not? Scotland has some brilliant lines. It also has the ones I commute along, which are organised by Be'elzebub.

I would recommend look at the ScotRail network, does it fit what you want to see, though getting from Ft William to Inverness by train is 'interesting'. If it does or you are willing to adapt, it looks good value.