I am looking for a small village between Edinburgh and St Andrews that would be suitable for a 2 night stay with out having a car.
Thank you
I haven't spent time there, but the village of Cupar is on the train route and I'm told it's nice.
Instead of choosing a location between Edinburgh and St Andrews, if you wanted to see more of the coast, you could take the Route 95 bus from St Andrews toward Anstruther and stay somewhere along that route.
Hi, Lynn,
It's a bit larger than a village, but Cupar would make a good stopping place for an overnight. It has several good restaurants and shops, plus it's right on the train line.
Or you could try one of the small seaside towns along the coast of the East Neuk, like Pittenweem, Anster, or Crail. You can reach them from Edinburgh using a combination of rail and bus.
Good luck!
Mike (Auchterless)
I just stumbled upon a website called Welcome To Fife that has all of those seaside towns mentioned above. They look darling. Check out these sites:
Falkland Palace in Cupar is really interesting. There is a tennis Court! It's a Renaissance palace, so quite different from Edinburgh Castle.