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5597 posts

Perhaps it's time to start giving the smaller operators a chance.

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1372 posts

Rabbies are the only company I know of who are committed to helping maintain the land they bring their customers to see. For example, Rabbie's staff have (out of season) helped rebuild paths at popular sites on Skye where the land has been eroded by thousands of pairs of boots. Their drivers are also courteous and pull over when (usually local) cars come up behind them on the single track roads here on Skye and need to get somewhere a little quicker than the tour bus is going. For these reasons I am happy to recommend them above other similar sized tour companies. Of course local companies are also great, but of the 'big boys', Rabbies has a good reputation among locals here in the Highlands.

Skyegirl (Jacqui)

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1 posts

According to the accounts filed at Companies House they have been having financial difficulties for a couple of years now.

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16700 posts

According to the accounts filed at Companies House they have been having financial difficulties for a couple of years now.

What tour company hasn't thanks to Covid.

I'll bet if you looked at RS's books they wouldn't look good. However, they decided to pay their people even though there was little if any money coming in. Sometimes you have to look past the numbers to see the story.

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3943 posts

Can't wait to use them in Sept! (After having to cancel May 2020)