Hi! Is transportation difficult in the late evening in Edinbrogh? The Tattoo goes until 1130 or 12am and we need to get back to Peebles.
Thanks for any illumination!
Google Maps suggest bus line X62 with last departure at 23:30 Mon-Sat and 22:30 Sun. Maybe your hotel or host has other recommendations for you.
You might find that you can schedule a taxi. I've done that in other towns in Scotland. It's probably not completely outrageous.
I think you might have a problem getting back to Peebles. try checking the First bus website there may be a late night bus heading to Galasheilds via Peebles. I presume you are going to the late Saturday night performance.
been having a look on the internet and can't find any late night public transport to Peebles.If you are on the Saturday late night show than it will be well after midnight before you get out the place so will be looking for transport sometime after 00.30 am.
I would suggest a hotel for that nigh but August in central Edinburgh is near impossible to find or very expensive. Taxi/ private hire to Peebles will not be cheap either. if you are just going to the 9.00pm show then you should have plenty of time to get the buses already suggested. bus station is about 15 minute walk from the castle, probably double that time because of crowds from the tattoo and Festival shows.
Thank you all for your time and info, much appreciated!
You might want to go to the Lothian Buses web site. Their map shows all the (N)ight bus routes. The web site also has a travel planner that might be useful.
Lothian buses do not cover anywhere near the Peebles area, nearest you migh t get would be Penicuik, stil a long way from peebles which would come under Borders transport systems
Maybe this is to radical but: Rent a car for 1 day. Park it close to the bus stop where the night bus stops, outside of Edinburgh. I assume the regular bus stops there as well. Ride the bus to the Tattoo, ride the X bus back to your stop, get in your car, drive home. Turn car in next day.