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PreTour Communication with Travel Group

Does anyone know of a way to connect via this forum (or another way) with the people on a tour BEFORE leaving? I notice other travel companies start a specific group conversation beforehand, so you can give each other advice and also meet up online. The exchanges are not public and only for the specific group members. Any advise on this?

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263 posts

This does not seem to be a practice with Rick Steves tours. Their emphasis is respecting peoples' privacy so they don't hand out that info. Some people who take RS tours use this forum, but generally that happens after they do their tour, rather than before. Shortly prior to the tour, the RS office provides a list of those going, but it just has first names and city/state, no other contact information. I've seen people post on here but not get a lot of response from "their" upcoming tour. So - you can get advice on your tour here, but likely not meet up in advance.

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802 posts

No. Before departure date for your tour you will receive a list in your portal, of first names, and where they are from. RS protects the privacy of its clients. Years ago, they used to provide more info but no more. When on the tour, someone in the group often circulates a paper for people to write down their contact info if they are interested in sharing with the group, but it’s not the guide who is involved.

Posted by
7 posts

Ok thanks. I am aware of how it works with RS during the tour and that's great (been on several). And I do understand our right to privacy for sure, and in fact require that as well. However, the text exchange I am referring to is ONLY for those on the roster. Not public, as I said. Just a thought. I will see if I can delete this thread.

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14608 posts

I think you should leave the thread up in case others have the same question! You are not the only one!