Hi from Glencoe!
My wife and I live in Glencoe and could help with some 'general' guidance for anyone visiting Scotland. We are part of the travel industry and so come across the same questions and itineries all the time. Here's our tuppence worth that may help...
Travel time/Itineries: Where and what do you really want to see and do? High on the agenda are all the usuals, Edinburgh, Inverness, Skye, Glencoe, and there is usually a rush of questions (once customers have arrived) about how long it will take to get there, ferry times, buses etc. A lot the time the agenda is just too tight. The ferries may not run, the roads are sometimes single track (especially the Highlands) and invariably the holiday turns out to be a hectic medley of planning/travel and very little relaxation and sighseeing. Google the destination and travel times, add in your contingency. as well as questioning what you want out of your visit. There is an incredible amount of quiet mountains, valleys and experiences not in the general guides. Allow time to reflect and soak up the culture and landscape, there's plenty of it,
Accomodation: Scotlands villages and cities can be very 'community' based. Booking.com and the other large travel channels may bring up the usual suspects....but, not every hotel or B&B can (or want) to use them (it's the commission). In summer a lot of accommodation is taken off. Check if the location has its own website. There's usually a huge resource of other activities or events posted there (as well as most of the accommodation), something that Googling may not easily bring up. Check or phone the hotel directly, you'll get fantastic help from everyone. Use Google maps to help locate smaller B&B's or hotels.
If I think of anything else, I'll see if I can add edit this
We wish you all the best in your travel plans!