Traveling to Scotland directly from Boston on 8/9- 8/20. Passport expires when I’m back in US on 8/26. UK and US websites say passport only need to be valid for length of stay. Says you need 6 months if traveling onward to countries. Any feedback as to whether I need to panic. Thanks.
I might print the relevant part of the website out just in case, but I would expect
that if you can get into the UK you are good for the trip, with the potential exception
of the return.
If, for instance, your return flight got changed and they sent you to another country
for an overnight stay, then you could be stuck in the airport. Assuming you're not
on an airline with very few flights, though, this is low probability.
I can surmise the answer, but if you knew the passport was going to expire right after
your trip, why didn't you renew it a few months ago?
Appreciate the solution focused responses. I didn’t renew it earlier because life happens. A mistake that I won’t repeat. Thank you for feedback.
As others have said, you don't need to panic, but you'd be taking a risk with this expiration date. The State Department does offer expedited service, which costs extra but may be worthwhile for peace of mind. If I were you I would use that service and renew now, but I tend to be risk averse.
We had to renew my husband's passport this year. We used the regular service, which said 10-13 weeks. He got the new one in about 4 weeks.
no panic. Your passport is valid for the UK,