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Orkney Islands Ferries- New Electric Ferry

A new build electric 12 passenger hydrofoil is to be delivered to Orkney Islands Ferries in January 2025 to enter revenue service in March or April 2025

It will be on a 3 year trial to run passenger only services to the islands of Shapinsay, Rousay, Wyre and Egilsay supplementing the existing car ferry sailings.

If you go to Shapinsay there is an existing electric bike service on the island, and also an electric taxi service to anywhere on the island from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

The taxi service is on a donation basis, you just pay £1 to join the Shapinsay Development Trust 24 hours beforehand.

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This derives from the December newsletter of the Shapinsay Development Trust - which I was reading when doing due a due diligence check of the location of the public toilets on the island (and the SDT have moved since I was last there).
At first I thought it was a Christmas joke as the published pictures look like a cross between sci fi and one of my beloved Chinese or Russian domestic hydrofoils from the 70's and early 80's which were always fun but scary to ride, as the Chinese ones at least always used to leak through the window seals.

But there is an old BBC News Article from when they were ordered and the builders (Artemis of Belfast) exist and making exactly such vessels- so it appears to be real.
They being two vessels as at a later date to be determined a larger one will be delivered for service to the Northern out isles.