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New Series of 'Shetland'

The new series of the BBC Crime drama- 'Shetland' begins at 9pm tonight GMT. It will be available afterwards on the BBC I player

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961 posts

Thanks for the heads up! I have been patiently waiting.

Posted by
8649 posts

I know and I can't wait to see Jimmy Perez's replacement! It looks very interesting!

Stuart, do you (or does anyone) watch Annika (on PBS in the states)? Nicola Walker plays the title role of the head of Glasgow’s Marine Homicide Unit. This season a lot of the episodes have been shot in some beautiful locations. The second episode of season 2 was filmed in Edinburgh, and another one was filmed on Jura and Islay.

Posted by
1133 posts

I am very eager to see the new season of Shetland! Thanks for the heads up. I hope they don't change the theme music because the original lead has left. The scenery is stunning.
I also have been watching Annika. The last few episodes are set in Norway, so I'm now ready to go there, as well!

Posted by
8765 posts

I saw Annika mentioned on another thread a few days ago, but merely as a PBS programme without explaining what it was. I haven't heard of it but according to Wikipedia it was first aired on BBC1 back in May so should be on the BBC I player.

Have just looked on KCTS9 where I have been referred to in the past for PBS- but that one is skulking behind a pay wall. I've seen some very good stuff on there before, from the UK.

Posted by
2078 posts

Mardee, I love Annika. In fact, I love anything starring Nicola Walker. I am also looking forward to the new Shetland team.

Posted by
1428 posts

I see Annika features Kate Dickie too. A very good character actor from Glasgow. Always worth looking out for things she's doing, whether in a lead or supporting role.

Posted by
8649 posts

Mardee, I love Annika. In fact, I love anything starring Nicola Walker.

Laurie Beth, so do I. I think I’ve seen just about everything she’s done. Did you see her when she played a divorce attorney in The Split? I loved that, partly because that’s what I used to do. Very interesting to see the differences between how the UK and the US works when it comes to court proceedings.

Gerry, I really like Kate Dickie and the role she plays. And I especially love Jaime Sives!

Posted by
9135 posts

Another big fan of Nicola Walker - we call her "the actress who always looks tired". Watching Annika, and the Unforgotten series she was on before. And previously, on Last Tango in Halifax.

Great news about Shetland. I'm sure there will be a lag before we see it here, but the heads-up is helpful.

Posted by
1428 posts

Someone will probably be typing this at the same time as me, but, iplayer isn't available to our friends outside the UK.

[edit: or at least has limitations as to what you can watch outside the UK]

Posted by
94 posts

For those of us unable to access the BBC iPlayer, the new Shetland season will be on Brit Box starting Nov. 30th (if I recall the email I got from them correctly). I know some Brit Box content is also available on Amazon, so it may be on there too around then.

Posted by
8649 posts

Angella, I know, and I can’t wait! I have a Britbox subscription and will definitely be watching Shetland as soon as it shows up. By the way, you can access Britbox on Amazon, but I think you still need a subscription to do so.

Posted by
1026 posts

I follow Shetland TV group on Facebook. I noticed it started. I love the show. Can’t wait till it gets on britbox. We leave Nov 25 for london and will be in uk for two weeks. Hopefully, I can catch it on the Telly.

Thoroughly enjoyed my two visits to Shetland in 2010 and 2022.


Posted by
2710 posts

I happily discovered Annika after I returned from my trip to Edinburgh in September…also a big fan of Nicola Walker, and still second guessing my choice of Hamilton in London in April 2022, much dithering as she was playing the lead in The Corn is Green.

Posted by
28769 posts

Season 2 of Annika is available for streaming on PBS Passport, which is available for a relatively modest contribution to your local PBS station or on subscription from Amazon Prime.

Posted by
8649 posts

Yes, and it has some wonderful filming locations in season two! I binge watched the second season on PBS last week. 😊

And Stan, I loved Unforgotten! I’m so sorry she’s gone from there, but I actually watched the new season without her and it’s still very good.

Posted by
1377 posts

Love Shetland. Can confirm the title music is the same. New character looks promising although will always miss Perez. Can't get on with Annika despite enjoying almost everything else Nicola Walker has been in. She just didn't seem right for the character to me. Also in series one some of the continuity of locations was way off. You see her going from A to B but A to B doesn't exist in real life, which I found annoying! Shetland does a bit of that too but it's less bothersome, e.g. in episode one of the new series the character is said to be in a taxi from Sumburgh to Lerwick but the the shot is of a single track road, which is not right for that journey!

Posted by
8765 posts

Without spoiling it there is a point where a kirk is featured. While I am not sure, I was distracted because I recognised the kirk (but can't quite place it) and am pretty sure that in real life it isn't where it was in the story line.

Posted by
1710 posts

Without spoiling it there is a point where a kirk is featured. While I am not sure, I was distracted because I recognised the kirk (but can't quite place it) and am pretty sure that in real life it isn't where it was in the story line.

Always a pleasure of seeing a film or TV programme set in a place you are familiar with.

Posted by
192 posts

Yes, very excitedly awaiting the new Shetland season. We rewatched Season 1 of Annika last week and watched the available Season 2 episodes this week. Now we're rewatching Shetland from the beginning in anticipation of the new season becoming available on Britbox.

Posted by
3394 posts

For those who have not yet watched Shetland, like me, Amazon is offering FREE access to the first season for the month of Nov.

Amazon usually offers a discount on the streaming channels around Black Friday, offering many for 99 cents for a couple of months. So, be on the lookout for a possible discount on a BritBox subscription. And you can get a 7-day free trial of the channel now on Amazon. You can also get that 7-day free trial directly from BritBox.

So, you can actually get 2 weeks free if you sign up for one free trial and then the other.

Posted by
8649 posts

Stan (or anyone), what did you think of Sinéad Keenan, who replaced Nicola Walker in Unforgotten? I really enjoyed her performance and thought the season was just as good as before.

ETA: Thanks, Carrie! I think you will really enjoy Shetland!

Posted by
9135 posts

Mardee, yes it's a solid show and she is just as good. One of the things I like about British shows, is that the actors look like real people.

Posted by
8649 posts

One of the things I like about British shows, is that the actors look like real people.

Oh, I wholeheartedly agree! That's the one thing I hate about US shows. Have you ever watched an episode of Chicago PD or Chicago Med? The women look like they stepped out of fashion magazines, with perfect makeup and hair, and the men are all studly (not sure that's a word) and bulked up.

I hate it! I want to see real people like Brenda Blethyn in Vera, who plays an overweight, cranky 70+ year old DSI. The actors really do look like real people. It's a sham the US can't figure out that this is what people like to see.

Posted by
132 posts

what did you think of Sinéad Keenan, who replaced Nicola Walker in Unforgotten? I really enjoyed her performance and thought the >season was just as good as before.

It did take a minute to warm up to Sinéad, but I thought she was good and I felt we got more out of Sanjeev's character. At the end I actually found the writing and story arc better than previous seasons. Maybe they felt they had to try harder without Nicola (?)

Posted by
1710 posts

Oh, I wholeheartedly agree! That's the one thing I hate about US
shows. Have you ever watched an episode of Chicago PD or Chicago Med?
The women look like they stepped out of fashion magazines, with
perfect makeup and hair, and the men are all studly (not sure that's a
word) and bulked up. I hate it! I want to see real people like Brenda
Blethyn in Vera, who plays an overweight, cranky 70+ year old DSI. The
actors really do look like real people. It's a sham the US can't
figure out that this is what people like to see.

Ann Cleeves has a new detective, Matthew Venn, set on the north coast of Devon in the SW of England, to join Vera and Shetland.

I think in the case of the actors/characters that appeal it comes back to how the TV industry was formed on either side of the Atlantic. The BBC has never shown ads in the UK, although BBC made programmes for S4C in Wales do show ads, and until about 25 years ago our major commercial broadcaster, ITV, was effectively a monopoly with a remit to look like the region the companies that made it up were based (Glasgow covered by STV, Aberdeen by Grampian, Manchester by Granada, London by Thames and LWT and so on) meant ratings were not as important. For a long time the biggest rated drama on UK television has been Coronation Street, initially made by Granada TV for its NW of England region.

Because the US networks have been ratings driven since the time Lincoln was a boy they go for what sells, and more often than not that is glamour.

Also in the US and Canada, you get our good programmes. And we get yours. The moving wallpaper, the dross, the guilty pleasures, don't get exported.

Posted by
8649 posts

Because the US networks have been ratings driven since the time Lincoln was a boy they go for what sells, and more often than not that is glamour.

MC, I think you are right, although it is getting a titch better with the amount of streaming and new content coming out. But it's still 75% or more based on appearances, which is a shame.

And now I'm wanting to watch the Matthew Venn series, which is not available over here yet. I might start reading it, though, especially since I will be heading to Devon on my next trip.

Posted by
1710 posts

Mardee, there is currently ohly one TV series of the Venn books, the first book, it was made by ITV and is/was on BritBox in the UK, not sure if it is in the US. It is set in the north of the county which is more rugged with the moor and coastline than the south.

Posted by
8649 posts

MC, I checked on Britbox, and I don't think it's available in the US. I'll be in England for 5 weeks in the spring, though, so maybe I can find it while I'm there.

Posted by
1133 posts

Mardee, it is called The Long Call and it is on Amazon Prime with a Britbox subscription.

Posted by
1323 posts

Anima was first shown on Alibi in the UK in 2021 and the second series was repeated on BBC earlier this year. I would imagine that the second series will eventually appear on BBC, but maybe not for a year or two.

Posted by
8765 posts

By the way I have had a number of photographs in the last few days of pretty spectacular displays of the Mirrie Dancers- the local name for the Northern Lights (Mirrie is dialect for Merry). Shetland is a great place to see them. Last night they were over Whalsay Kirk, amongst other places doubtless.

Posted by
1710 posts

One thing, when I've watched Vera over the last few years I always see the relationship between Vera and Aidan as almost a prototype of what a relationship could be between a female Doctor and male companion in Doctor Who.

Posted by
8649 posts

Mardee, it is called The Long Call and it is on Amazon Prime with a Britbox subscription.

Lindy, I found it directly on Britbox (my subscription does not run through Amazon Prime) so will plan on watching it there. Thanks!

One thing, when I've watched Vera over the last few years I always see the relationship between Vera and Aidan as almost a prototype of what a relationship could be between a female Doctor and male companion in Doctor Who.

MC, haha!! Love that concept! Sometimes, though, I just want to tell Aiden off for giving her food and money (she asked him to pay for her gas on one show!) and for him to stop putting her booties on. Sheesh, she can change her own tire so why can't she put them on herself.

I just heard that Joe is coming back on next season. That will be interesting.

Posted by
8649 posts

I just watched the first episode of The Long Call and loved it. The scenery (it was filmed in Ilfracombe in Devon) was breathtaking and the story, cast and overall quality was very good. It's too bad it was renewed for a second season.

I actually liked it better than Vera. Maybe it was due to binge watching 12 seasons of Vera, but after a while Vera's character got a little annoying to me. But the Northumberland scenery never got old!

Posted by
2701 posts

I was surprised that I sort of forgot about Perez on the latest season. Allison Jensen is so good.

Posted by
8649 posts

Mary, do you mean Ashley Jensen? I agree! I love her character. Still no word yet on whether it's been renewed, but it sounds like it was very well received even with the changeover, so here's hoping! Although I did read this online:

Jensen is also the star of Acorn TV’s cozy murder mystery series Agatha Raisin, which has been on an indefinite hiatus after season 4—presumably because of Jensen’s role in Shetland. Conflicting schedules might push back either or both of these series in the future.

Posted by
2701 posts

Yep, that's what I meant. Posting before the coffee kicked in.

Posted by
1710 posts

It was mentioned in here, but ITV has announced 'Vera' is coming to an end as Brenda Blethyn is retiring from the role.
Given she is a couple of decades beyond the UK police retirement age that is good going.

Posted by
8649 posts

Ha ha, MC. When I was staying in Northumberland, I met a retired police officer from Sheffield at the B&B I stayed at. He told me that was one of the shows he dislikes because it pays no attention to regular police procedure. For one thing, he said that there’s no way that someone based in Newcastle would be responsible for all the crimes up and down the Northumberland coast. There’s no way that someone could drive all that distance back and forth every single day.

And having spent time there, I agree. Just getting from Newcastle up to the Bamburgh area takes 2 hours or more and then getting out to Holy Island even longer. And you’re at the mercy of the tides. Yet she supposedly never gets stuck there, which I find a bit unbelievable

Posted by
1710 posts

Crime shows always have to take a lot of shortcuts, some case reality is unrealistic. They are talking about a new version of Bergerac, a crime show of the 1980s that was set in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, and had to change how Jersey police's itself as no one outwith the Channel Islands would understand it! Midsomer Murders at least the 'tecs wear suits, a requirement as they never know when they have to deliver bad news. The rest of the plot 'What is it sarge?' 'The man was murdered using a Monopoly board, two meters of Coronation bunting, and forced to watch a 1999 edition of the Yorkshire regional news on a loop'

STV had a crime drama, Taggart, great if you can find it. Always fun to watch as buildings had different jobs, new places invented for the plot, and 'how did you get there from there in five minutes?'. Always worth remembering in these programmes that wherever it is set, the fictional version of a place - Shetland, Newcastle, Glasgow, Oxford, Toronto, is often quite different to the real place. One thing to spot in UK ones is the police service names.

Shetland is served on TV by the Scottish National Police, in reality by Police Scotland
Vera works for Northumberland and City Police, in reality by Northumbria Police
Yet older series often the name was right, Taggart was Strathclyde Police as it was at the time.

Posted by
8649 posts

He did tell me that he thought Happy Valley really did a good job of following regular police procedures. I loved that show and thought it was interesting what he said. And his favorite cop show is Law and Order, lol! But it does do a great job of following the law and the procedures that police use.

Posted by
1710 posts

He did tell me that he thought Happy Valley really did a good job of following regular police procedures. I loved that show and thought it was interesting what he said. And his favorite cop show is Law and Order, lol! But it does do a great job of following the law and the procedures that police use.

Having Law and Order as his favourite is great. I suppose having a television equivalent of a 'busman's holiday' you are going to spot the short cut the writers and directors took with the reality. It is going to be easier if it is a foreign based show as procedures are going to be similar but different.

If you are also looking for a new series, and it is available, I can recommend Van Der Valk. The modern remake is not as good as the seventies original, or esp the 1990s reboot. Set in the Netherlands, the 70s and 90s really use its Dutch setting brilliantly. Set something somewhere you make the locale one of the stars, I watch Hudson and Rex in part because Newfoundland and Labrador should have its name in the credits as a character. VDV classic is good, and was produced by Thames TV possessor of one of UK television's best idents, as a kid I could not tell what was written in the reflection.

The new version was shown in the Netherlands and I liked the description on the website of its broadcaster KRO-NCRV 'British crime series, Van Der Valk...'

Posted by
8649 posts

If you are also looking for a new series, and it is available, I can recommend Van Der Valk.

MC, it's been in my queue for awhile, but I will bump it up to the top. Thanks for the recommendation!

Posted by
1710 posts

MC, it's been in my queue for awhile, but I will bump it up to the top. Thanks for the recommendation!

Hides incase you don't like it! The 1990s version is my favourite of the runs as it really really uses the Dutch setting to its advantage, and some good unintentional period elements, the ransom in one episode of course being in guilders. But not unexpected as Thames TV went off air in 1992.

Posted by
2701 posts

Am I the only outlier that never liked Law and Order?