Hi all! I've posted a few questions about my upcoming trip thus far, but background- I (40s) am traveling w/my mom (70s). I love to travel and my motto is I'll sleep when I'm dead, ha! I prefer to go, go, go with some moments of down time as needed of course. My mom does zero trip planning or research and relies on me, which I am fine with :)
Driving from Inverness to Dunnottar Castle and I cannot decide which stops to make. Ideally I'd like to stop at Cawdor Castle AND Elgin Cathedral, but I'm concerned that we'll be quite rushed, as I want to end the day at Dunnottar (arriving no later than 4pm). Looking at Google Maps, and adding about 20-25% more time to what they say, I think it is doable, but is it smart? I'm sure the smartest thing to do is to cut either Cawdor Castle or Elgin Cathedral but I cannot for the life of me decide which I prefer because they're so different! I also thought of just seeing the gardens of Cawdor and getting great pics of the outdoors as well. That would cut down the time spent there and push everything up a bit. And truthfully, I'm more drawn to the exterior architecture and gardens than the all of the furnished rooms, though the inside looks lovely.
Leave Inverness B&B by 9:15am
Arrive at Cawdor around 9:50ish. Leave by 12pm.
Arrive at Elgin Cathedral around 12:50pm. Leave by 2pm
Arrive at Dunnottar around 4pm. Castle closes at 6pm
So, what say you? Can I pull it off? Should I cut Cawdor or Elgin?