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How will the coronation affect Scotland?

So I will be in Scotland next year from May 3rd through the 26th, and just saw Nigel's post about the coronation being on May 6th.. Will Scotland close attractions because of the coronation?

Posted by
16787 posts

I was in Scotland during the Queen's funeral. Many things were closed for the one day while others were only closed during the funeral and opened afterward. I expect the same for the coronation.

Posted by
8377 posts

My guess would be that fewer things would close for the coronation, than for the funeral. The coronation theme seems to be "low key", I think they are still debating as to whether there will be a Bank Holiday declared. If one is, then yeah, a number of places will close simply for that fact.

Posted by
585 posts

The coronation will in all likelihood be a public holiday, so shops etc. will be closed and trains and buses will be running reduced schedules. On public holidays many attractions in the UK open for reduced hours, it varies depending on the governing body (National Trust, etc). Keep checking websites for information.

Posted by
6113 posts

The coronation will be on a Saturday, so places maybe closed then and transport reduced. It’s still to be decided if there is to be a bank holiday - this is usually a Monday. Some things would be open, but check nearer the time for attractions

Posted by
1717 posts

The level of support for the monarchy will not really effect the events and availability of services on the day of the Coronation.

Some places will be open, some will be closed.
Some people will not want to work, some will want to.
Some supporters of the constitutional monarchy will want want to avoid the wall to wall coverage and watch the highlights of the coverage later, some republicans will want to see the history happening in real time.

It will be clearer closer to the event. It is likely that Crown bodies will close, so for tourists that will be Historic Scotland. Private bodies may be open, it is their choice.

However if you are travelling on the road it may be the ideal time to do so, the traffic tends to drop drastically on these major Royal/state occasions as people across the spectrum sit in front of the telly passing snide opinions on so and so's appearance, whilst passing around the Quality Street.

The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was the first televised coronation, but not all the UK could see it. TV did not reach a lot of areas until late in the 1950s with some places getting commercial TV before others got TV. So this is a first.

Posted by
34630 posts

whilst passing around the Quality Street

ooh, dunno now, not with the new paper wrappers. Canna hold up the coloured wrappers to the telly now

Posted by
8699 posts

Thanks for all the responses! It will be interesting to be there then. I think on May 6th I will be picking up my rental car and heading to Arran from Glasgow, so maybe a good day for travel.

Posted by
1717 posts

The roads will probably be quieter than either a normal Saturday or a Bank Holiday. One thing to keep an eye on is any timetable changes with CalMac.

Posted by
1717 posts

ooh, dunno now, not with the new paper wrappers. Canna hold up the coloured wrappers to the telly now

And now it is a plastic box not a metal tin, so you no longer hear the tin being opened 'secretly' by the relative who said 'No [insert name here] you can only have one other sweet at the next commercial break'

'Nan, we're watching a film on BBC One!'