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Heathrow Strike

I'm supposed to fly to Scotland tomorrow and just received this email from British Airways:

We’re sorry to say that Heathrow Airport has informed us that its security staff will be taking part in industrial action when you are due to travel but don’t worry, we’re working closely with them to help ensure you travel as planned.

Seems like there was just a strike at Heathrow last month as well? Wondering if anyone can shed some light on what travel in and out of there might be like. Just longer security lines? Chance of canceled flights?

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606 posts

Oh jeez, we leave for Greece tomorrow and connecting flight is Heathrow, of course. I’ve not gotten any notice from AA or BA yet. This will be bad under normal traffic conditions but with extra bodies coming in for the coronation….yikes!

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8157 posts

This will be bad under normal traffic conditions but with extra bodies coming in for the coronation….yikes!

I'm sure the strikers planned it that way.

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50 posts

BA does seem optimistic and while I'm hopeful that everything will go smoothly, I also want to be prepared, especially since I'm traveling with my mom, who is an anxious traveler as it is.

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50 posts

Lyndash- I didn't even think of the extra people coming in for the coronation. Eek!

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33992 posts

the strikes are at Heathrow Terminal 5 only. Is that your terminal?

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606 posts

Unfortunately it looks like we fly into terminal 3 but leave out of terminal 5 for Athens. We have a 3hr 20min layover so fingers crossed it will work.

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358 posts

During the previous strike, by the same people, there was pretty much zero effect on passengers that travelled. The majority of what the strikers deal with is land based incoming cargo. Any passenger impact was mitigated by flight cancellations - so if your flight is going it is highly like there will be no difference to normal.

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3135 posts

Mardee, makes sense. The strikers would be smart to get as much bang for their buck as possible. I mean, really get someone's attention.

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606 posts

We went through Heathrow Terminal 5 yesterday and noticed no difference.