Thanks in advance for the ever-helpful advice shared on this forum. We are planning a trip in Sept-Oct beginning in Wales ( full ten days with a 6 day tour) then continuing onward to Scotland.
In Scotland:
We have two days in Wigtown during the book festival and to track down ancestors,
Then onto Glasgow for two days,
Then a three day tour with Rabbies to Mull and Iona.
On the return, we will go to Islay for five days before returning to Glasgow.
Except for renting a car on Islay, we're doing this by tour, train, and bus. I've included this detail to give a sense of where we'll be since I think it might help with advice. At the point we return to Glasgow we will have been on the road for three and a half weeks. We know we want to spend more time in Glasgow and Edinburgh but we also think we should take in the train from Glasgow out to Mallaig. We know we can do this in one day if we really need to but I think we're both feeling that two days would be better. So, now, finally, for my question: has anyone done this trip in one day, is there a reason to do it in two, and if we do it in two, does anyone have a recommendation for where to spend the night? And, except for sitting on the train and taking in the views, are there sights we should not miss (Fort William?) off the train?
Thanks again.