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Entry Fees

Hey all,

Thanks for answering my other questions. I have just thought of another. We’re planning to do a lot of “castling” while we’re in and around the Edinburgh area. Is it common for the castles to have a fee in order to enter? I imagine they have to pay for the upkeep somehow — or are they government owned and operated like so many of the historic attractions here in the US?


  • Ian
Posted by
8889 posts

Yes and Yes.
Yes, you usually have to pay. And you have to pay additionally for parking (they prefer people arriving by public transport / bike / walking).
I would say about 1/3 are government owned, 1/3 National Trust (a non-profit making trust), and 1/3 private owned.

The websites below have lists and maps of castles and other places you can visit:
National Trust Scotland Website:
Historic Environment Scotland (Government owned properties in Scotland):
English Heritage (Government owned properties in England):

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2677 posts

yes and they ain't cheap, I think Edinburgh castle is about £18.

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2677 posts

there are a great many museums in and around Edinburgh that are free to enter.

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3122 posts

Many of the castles that are in ruins and open to the elements are free (Urquhart is a notable exception). As others mentioned, if you look at what the Scottish Heritage Pass and the Historic Scotland Explorer Pass each include, you may be able to run the numbers and see if either of these would save you a few pounds. Be aware that there's a Viator site that lists many passes and packages, but Viator is a 3rd party so they take a commission.