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Edinburgh to Inverness connection time

Is 18 minutes long enough to change trains in Edinburgh?

I have train tickets from London to Edinburgh and am about to buy from Edinburgh to Inverness, (cheaper to buy separate). I'd like to buy the cheapest ticket, but what if trains are delayed and we miss the connection? Would I need to buy a brand new ticket? The connection is about 1:30 pm on a Wednesday.

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3122 posts

I'll hazard a guess that if you spend the extra money for a through ticket, you'll be protected in case the London-Edinburgh train is late. That is, they'd honor your ticket and let you take the next available train to Inverness at no extra cost.

If you purchase the cheaper Edinburgh-Inverness ticket separately, is there a way to read the fine print before you complete the purchase? Because it might state that they are not responsible for missed connections.

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2636 posts

18 minutes is plenty of time you probably won't even have to change platforms