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We will be visiting Edinburgh in July 2020. Then we are off for a week in Ireland. Any suggestions on the best way to get from Edinburgh to Dublin? I see Aer Lingus runs a turbo prop plan, but also see many negatives reviews of this carrier/flight. Thanks for any suggestions!

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8303 posts

It is either Aer Lingus or Ryanair. Those flights are less than an hour in the air. Those are the only options if you don't want to use ground and water ferry transportation which will take you all day. Both airlines and all airlines will have bad reviews.

Posted by
11294 posts

The flights are less than an hour. They are on small planes, with tight carry-on limits, so you may have to check a bag that you were allowed to carry on a transatlantic flight. The biggest problems I and my sister had (I flew DUB to Glasgow a few years ago, and she flew DUB to EDI last month) were:

1) You go outside on the tarmac to board. If it's cold and/or raining (more likely than not in these places), that's not pleasant. Be prepared with a coat and rain gear.
2) The steps to board the plane are narrow and steep. Getting off, in particular, while carrying your bags, can be difficult for anyone with balance issues.

I wouldn't worry about reviews on this route since it's so short. Just don't expect fancy, and do look into all the extra charges (for checking luggage, not printing a boarding pass, etc).

Posted by
12253 posts

Thanks for any suggestions!

Book whichever airline has the best price for the time of day you want to fly. For a 60 minute flight, how bad can they mess up?

I found the very back of a turbo prop is better than anywhere but the first couple of rows.

Posted by
2520 posts

Harold is spot on with his advice. We took Ryanair last week Dub!in to Edinburgh. Short flight thank goodness because it was cold in the plane and raining on walk from plane to airport but was not too long. Did you consider flying into Ireland then to Edinburgh then home. ? That to me would be easiest time wise .

Posted by
32419 posts


You'll probably also find many negative reviews of RyanAir. Do you have any concerns with turbo-prop aircraft? Many airlines now use them for shorter routes as they're very economical to operate. Either airline will get you there and it's only a short flight.

Posted by
2 posts

I connected in Dublin on my recent trip to Scotland and flew Aer Lingus to/from EDI. The flights were fine. People were gate-checking bags, so having to pay to check a carry-on sized bag would be a RyanAir matter. You board from the rear of the plane, in case it matters. I normally prefer aisle seats but am glad I picked a window on the right side of the plane because the scenery was great when not obscured by clouds. You have to pay for all drinks and snacks. When you get to Dublin, there's a bus to take you to the terminal, but you still deplane by stairs onto the tarmac. Also, there were a couple of disabled passengers on my flight and there was a lift for them to board on the other side of the plane. Hope this is helpful.

Posted by
6890 posts

I flew this route both ways last July, on Aer Lingus (actually, the flight is on Stobart Air, which is an Aer Lingus regional subsidiary). It's fine. I'd do it again without a second thought. A very short flight on a turboprop. No big deal, all good. Ignore negative reviews - honestly, what airline do you see positive reviews about? Take any online reviews of flights with a lot of grains of salt (consider the source).

Posted by
19 posts

Thank you for all the great responses. I have booked the flight. Turbo Prop would not be my first choice, but as you say it only 1 hour. I will take the advice given and go with seats in the back of the plane.

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16783 posts

I have flown with Stobart Air a few times. No problems. Turbo props are just as safe as jets.

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7287 posts

Turbo Prop would not be my first choice

May I ask why?