Arriving 4 days prior to Best of Scotland tour next June. Will need to recover from USA west coast jet lag. Considering staying at a coastal hotel or B&B west of the Glasgow airport instead of the tour hotel. Any suggestions/good experiences?
Hi, mmaryallen,
Two questions:
What time does your flight arrive in Glasgow, and how would you be travelling to your lodging?
Most of the towns along the Clyde coast are not particularly attractive. Troon or Ayr would be your best bet. Both are easily reached by train from Glasgow. Although it's not coastal, Helensburgh, along the north shore of the Clyde, could provide a couple of days to recover from your jet lag. It is also easily reached by train. Depending on how exhausted you think you'll be, and what time you arrive, you may also want to consider just crashing at one of the many hotels near Glasgow Airport, before heading out for your next three days.
Best of luck with your travels.
Mike (Auchterless)
Thanks for the info. My flight is not settled just yet but I usually have quite a bit of flexibility. As you mentioned, I have often spent a first night close to an arrival airport.
If it was me, I'd book a room at the RS hotel in Glasgow and stay there. For one thing, you won't have to pack everything up and move again. For another, you could relax there and meander around town (sunlight is good for jet lag recovery) - even take a day trip or two or see some sights that aren't on the tour.
Maybe an off the wall suggestion, but have you thought about three nights on the Isle of Arran? Train to Adrossan, quick walk to ferry teminal and ferry to Brodick. It is a lovely place to drop out!
I spent nearly a week in Glasgow in 2019, so I'm biased in favor of being in the city. But I was very interested in the Charles Rennie Mackintosh architecture, and I like museums (of which Glasgow has many). I also appreciated being in a city that's not terribly touristy.
Helensburgh is an attractive town with a major Mackintosh house that can be visited. I'd think Helensburgh would be pretty small for more than your first two nights, though.
The farther west you go in Scotland, the wetter it's likely to be. If you're in Glasgow, you'll have indoor sightseeing options if you need them.
After taking a taking a look at the itinerary and based on my experience after visiting in June, Glasgow and Stirling both deserve more time than the tour gives them. It depends on your interests, but we spent 6 hours at Stirling Castle, while it appears the tour is only going to give you 2, maybe 3 hours. It's a short train ride from Glasgow and makes a good day trip. It looks like you may be speedwalking through Glasgow as well, and the half day on your own after the morning walk will be rushed to get through the museums in the west end. I'm surprised Oban is chosen as the location for the 'vacation from your vacation' day.
My vote is for Glasgow.